What is your current favorite Roguelike? [Or all things roguelike]

Maybe they will when they implement proper saves:

Here’s some feature requests that we’ve received from players. Can’t make any promises, but these are things on our radar. Feel free to post more/discuss!

Save Files instead of Unity Player Prefs (including cloud saves)

Not really. Mostly the Mystery Dungeon games, not much else.

Thanks, just saved me a purchase. ;)

Huh, speaking of Mystery Dungeon, I didn’t even realise that Etrian Mystery Dungeon just released a few weeks ago on 3DS…

and that was probably because it was in the US, and Europe has to wait until September. :(

Damn Nintendo once again for their region locks; Australia doesn’t care about the multi-language localisation in the EU version, we can very well use the US version just fine if you let us.

There were the Izuna games, but i only tried the first and didn’t care for it. That was a game that felt more toward the “unfair” side for me. I don’t mind dying, but from what I recall, that game could screw you over pretty good with little you could do about it.

Just to clarify, this game is nothing like Shiren, but I loved that game to death and Sproggiwood inspires similar feelings.

Yeah, Shiren is a solid gold classic of the genre, but nothing else on the system is really with the time.

Started playing Tales of Maj’eyal again. Man I either suck at this or it’s really hard. I can rarely seem to get past level 10. Is there a way to figure out if a dungeon is too high level for you BEFORE you go in? I’ve died more than a few times this way…

One Way Heroics Plus is pretty great you guys, makes an already awesome game even better by just adding more awesomeness and streamlining it.

I have been enjoying Sproggiwood on iOS. The cutesy stuff is annoying at first, and there is a village thing that adds nothing to the game. Nor do I like the graphics, or whatever storyline they go on about every once in awhile. BUT, the game is very fun. It’s not overly hard, but on some of the later levels,you really have to be careful and think a bit more on your moves. Grinding does help as well, but the gameplay is fun enough that it’s not a big deal. Why they went with such a silly look I have no idea, it scared me away at first, but I am glad I overlooked it now. Worth the money if you want a decent lite roguelike on a tablet.

Tried difficulty on savage? I did a few minutes ago and it is nasty. I wouldn’t mind another level between that and normal (which I don’t find to be too taxing).

No, haven’t tried above normal. My problem seems to be those mate fish, if I run into them too early, I die. I assume I have to kill the, both at once, but haven’t figured out how to do that. Suppose I should learn the better part of valor.

Wonder what happens if you charm one of those…

I rarely post here these days, mostly lurking. But roguelikes is one of my favorite game genres (together with turn-based strategies and RPGs), so this thread once again has lured me out of my lurking mode. :)

I love TOME4 and I love DC:SS mentioned above - both are great games. But the roguelike game I’ve spend the most time playing over the last 2 years is rarely mentioned. It is Sword of the Stars:The Pit.

Simply speaking, it is the most brilliant, deep, and addicting roguelike I’ve ever played, and I’ve played a lot of them over the years, including all major ones.

If you enjoy deep roguelikes, and if you haven’t tried this one - I suggest you drop whatever game you are playing and grab this game and give it a try. Chances are you will love it.

Gold edition only cost 13$. 3 DLC are 2$ each, and well worth it, since they add tons of items, monsters, recepies and dungeon variety into the game, in addition to new character classes.

Make sure to begin playing it on “normal” difficulty - the game is brutally hard on higher levels, and even “normal” difficulty is more like “hard” in other games. And make sure to play tutorials first.

As you play, you will be constantly balancing life, psi energy, food, varios ammunition, armor, weapons, durability, loot, risky but rewarding crafting with several hundred recipes, skill advancement, inventory, research, decryption, et cetera, while fighting huge array of interesting enemies in a dungeon full of traps and various beneficial devices and encrypted recipes and messages.

Be warned- game is very addicting, especially on the challenging higher difficulty levels, that forces you to use every dirty trick and strategy to survive.

Thanks for reminding me I own that one and need to play it, David!

Yes, thanks for the reccomendation. SOTS:TP is one of several roguelikes that I own and have never really jumped into. Yesterday I tried Bionic Dues and was pretty overwhelmed, though I may come back to it. But tonight I’ll re-install The Pit.

I’ve got well over 100 hours in The Pit.

Well, I just bought it. Thanks for the recommendation :-)

You are very welcome guys.

I would be curious to hear your impressions about this game (Sword of the Stars: The Pit), after you will have a chance to play it, if you will feel like sharing it.

Few non-spoiler beginners tips: For your first few tries, I would suggest using one of more simple classes - like scout, or engineer, or ranger, or even marine (although with marine it very easy to play on early levels, but decryption of recipes (very important metagame, especially for when you will start to increase difficulty level) will be problematic, so your metagame decryption will be slow.)

And stay away from really complex classes for at least your first several tries - such as psionic, swimmer, necromancer, mercenary, et cetera, until you will get a good grasp of various game mechanics. Also I suggest switch to max zoom out mode (out of 3 zoom modes) and stay there - much better from the tactical point of view, almost must have for exploring pit. Also you may want to drop a skill point into decryption skill whenever you can (assuming you have used it at least once per level and it will cost you 1 and not in 2 points to raise when you level). Always watch out for food and armor durability, and for new types of enemies that you haven’t encountered before - many of them have tons of nasty and various surprises for you. Consult in-game encyclopedia as often as you need for monsters info, battle logs, recipes. Don’t rush - pause and think, plan you moves - otherwise you will die quickly, the pit is brutal and unforgiving. And if certain rooms are are too tough and deadly - skip them, if you feel you may not have enough strength and resources to face those tough enemies protecting it. Remember, you don’t have to clear an entire level to decent further - it’s better to skip rewards but live than die trying to fight powerful and deadly defenders. (although frankly a completionist in me really struggles to let it go in such situations, but it is good advice, even if I don’t always follow it myself, often to my regrets… ;) )

That’s it for now. And if you will have any questions about the game, or in need of advice, please feel free to post it here - I will be glad to answer it if I can. (I’ve spent several hundreds hours with this game, mostly trying to beat it on “insane” difficulty level. >:) (did it once with swimmer class, and several times came tantalizingly close as psionic. :D Prior to that I’ve beaten it on “hard” with various classes. And let me tell you - they were not kidding about “hard” - in other game they would cal it “impossible”… >;) )

All and all - extremely challenging but extremely interesting and rewarding game. :)

Good luck! And let us know how you will fare… :)

David what’s the purpose of the cone-shaped shadow or grey area that follows your character around? I find it annoying, and wonder if there’s a purpose to it.

That’s fog of war. Line of sight is based on your facing, shift-direction (IIRC) changes facing and doesn’t count as a move.