What is your current favorite Roguelike? [Or all things roguelike]

Thanks Squee.

My only choices after finishing the tutorial are marine, scout and engineer. I assume rogue, scientist and ranger open later, but are not available for first few tries. Is this correct?

Those are the only classes available in the base game. The ‘Gold’ version plus DLC add nine more.

It is your blind zone, it is always behind you. You do not see enemies there. For example, make sure you do not go to sleep without facing the room with your back to the wall, or something nasty may sneak up on you while you sleep and bite half of you ass off. ;) And if you are playing swimmer, your blind zone is much wider then on other characters, which may cause problems if you are not aware of it.

(don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not yet, but can turn around on the spot without spending a turn - press “Ctrl + arrow” to face in the direction of the arrow).

In general it is your weakness (not a serious one, unless you play as swimmer). There are items (some you of these can find, some you can craft) that give you 360 degrees vision, eliminating blind zone completely (certain drones, helmets)

But on the positive side - here is a small tip that will sometimes help you - some organic enemies you will encounter have a blind zone too (it is straight behind them, like with yourself, although for them you don’t see it on the screen, but nevertheless they have it). So if they haven’t noticed you, you can sometimes approach them from behind and surprise them with your melee attack, if you’ve managed to sneak up on them straight from behind. That applies only for organic enemies who are not yet aware of your presence, and who rely on vision (and not sense of smell or hearing or radar signture for robots) to hunt their pray. There are also items that make you more stealthy, and those that make you less visible to radar, et cetera.

As Profanicus said. Just small correction - it’s not nine more classes, it’s eight- 5 more classes with Gold, and one for each of the 3 DLCs.

It sounds like you have a base version of the game Tylertoo, based upon what you described. If so, I would strongly suggest getting at least the Gold version of the “Pit” (or upgrading to it, if you have base game on Steam already). It will only cost you few bucks, but “Gold” version probably doubles amount of game content, and, more importantly, it includes various mechanics that makes game 10 times better (psionics, et cetera).

I’ve just checked - it costs 13$ these days on Steam, if you buy it, or 6$ for upgrade from base to gold versions. 3 DLCs are also highly recommended, they are only 2$ each, but although they also add a lot content to the game (items, monsters, new classes, etc), they are less critical - you can give Gold version a try, see if you like it, and than buy them later. But “Gold” version is what I would consider the “Must” - the base game without it is significantly less fun and complex.

Fyi - once/if you will get the “gold” version, it will also give you the 2nd tutorial about various psionics. Make sure to finish it before starting your first game - you will need it. ;)

Mindgames has 2 classes according to wiki, Psion and Tarka Ranger.

Yeap. Mindgames is part of the Gold edition. And Gold edition also has warrior, seeker and striker - so together it adds 5 classes on top of 3 from vannila game (scout, engineer, marine). Then 3 DLCs add 3 more classes - mercenary, pilgrim and lich. So altogether that makes it 8 additional classes on top of 3 from base game.

Oh ok.

What about the talk of a hidden, unlockable character though? :)

By the way, one of the many awesome things about this game, is how different classes make absolutely different gaming experience, while all being viable.

There is nothing in common whatsoever between, for example, playing as a seeker and playing as a marine. Each class is unique in various ways, and if you will try to play one class the way you used to play another you will die, painfully.

Personally, my favorite class on “insane” difficulty level is psion or seeker. (you simply must have powerful psionics if you want to survive on that level) On “Hard” difficulty my favorite classes were Engineer, Ranger, Psion.

Haven’t played Tarka Mercenary or Lich for long enough to form a strong opinion about these new classes - but they both looked like fun and are very different from the rest. (Tarka Mercenary is essentially a tough like nails super-efficient killing machine that weights a ton, has huge amount of HP and who can shoot, demolish, burn and slash his way through almost anything, especially on the lower levels. The drawback is that he eats like a pig, his non-combat skills suck, he is slow learner, and he has as much psionic potential as a doorknob). Lich is the only class that can make servants, has different food and health mechanics from the rest of the classes, and he relies on his undead slaves to progress.

Although on “Hard” difficulty you can reliably win with any class, if you are good enough. But it will be very challenging, and it is major accomplishment. This mode I would recommend for serious roguelike fans and for hardcore turnbase strategy fans.

On the “insane” difficulty though - well, the name speaks for itself… >;) It’s for roguelike masochists and for those who seek ultimate challenge. I’ve managed to beat it once with Seeker, so I know it is doable. :) One day I will beat it as Psion, I swear… :D So far my best result with Psion on “insane” is 22nd floor.

Ironically, there is one difficulty level beyond “insane” - called “Seriously?!?..”. I wonder if anybody has ever beaten the game on that one without cheating or without using blue rooms (which imo is also a form of de facto cheating… :) )

Shhhh! :) As you’ve said - spoiler… ;)

I’ve been meaning to put some time into this forever. Guess it’s time to bump it up to the front of the backlog.

Have fun. Btw now is a great time to get into it, since at this point the game is very mature and has benefited from two years of post-release additions, content, patches, and DLCs, that all together has improved the game tremendously from what it was at the release.

Yes, that appears to be what I have. I think I’ll play around with Marine to see if this clicks for before upgrading. Thanks for the guidance.

Np, you are welcome.

Steam Sale coming up - I’m hoping to grab this cheap!

Personally I think just having the base game for a newcomer is fine. The expansions add more classes but they also add a LOT more recipes and for veterans that’s fine but for people just starting I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

I disagree. The expansions add much more than classes. The most important thing is psionics - 6 schools of it. Psionics makes char development as well as battles much more deep and tactical. Without it the game really feels incomplete. Also expansions more than double amount of content in the game - items, monsters, recipes, lore, dungeon features, et cetera.

And yes, you are right, from the recipes point of view it does make things a bit more complicated for newbies, since it takes longer to finish decrypting recipes. But on the other hand some of the later recipes can help newbies a lot once decrypted, so to some degree it balances out.

But yes, I party agree with your reasoning, and that’s why I would recommend some char with good decryption potential as an early char, to quickly decrypt as much as possible. Engineer would be a good choice for example. He is somewhat difficult on Hard (without recipes), but is totally fine on Normal.

Plus there is always option of beating the game on easy - where you can decrypt only first 50 recipes.

So personally I stand by my recommendation of Gold version as an minimal starting point. DLCs can be added later, if person loves the game.

For those thinking of buying the Pit for the first time, its a moot question, as I believe only the Gold version is available now. Its only for those like me who had the original game gathering dust in our backlog who face this question. And for us, its easier to just try what we already own before plunking down more money.

However there is a Steam sale coming…

You just sort of have to learn, though you can always beat a hasty retreat to the exit (assuming you aren’t one-shot, which of course you will be more than a few times).

Note that some dungeons have a level range, and when you enter sets their effective level. If you are outside of the range they are then set to the min or max level depending on which side your character level is.

True, it’s easier, but on the other hand your impression and conclusion after trying vanilla game might be different from if you try Gold version, which is significantly better and more fun. And it’s only 6$ upgrade.

But it’s your call of course. Have fun, whatever you try!

Anyone else playing Card Dungeon? I’ve been playing it for a bit since I got it this morning.

On the surface it looks like a Card Hunter ripoff, especially in the design and the UI, but there are some significant differences.

For one, you only control one character, the classless “crusader”, who is good both in a fight and hurling spells around. For another, there doesn’t seem to be any experience or character advancement. At the start of the game you pick one positive and one negative trait. You begin with only one available in each category, but more are unlocked. I’m only on the second level of the first dungeon, and haven’t seen anything about experience or leveling.

Most interesting, and the heart of the game, is that you can only have 3 cards in your “hand”. Everything costs mana, even melee attacks, and 90% of the loot you find (there are potions to be found as well) is cards, so you are constantly making a decision as to which cards to keep and which to discard.

The other thing I like is the game has a wicked sense of humor. So far my favorite spell is “nasty language”, which not only stuns all creatures in range but sends them reeling back 4 tiles.

It’s too soon to call this a keeper, but so far it’s got it’s hooks in me pretty good.