What is your current favorite Roguelike? [Or all things roguelike]

Some Dragon Fin Soup news (from here):

Dragon Fin Soup will be served starting on NOVEMBER 3, 2015 on all Sony platforms day of launch (PS3, PS4, PS Vita) through PlayStation Plus, and available for PC through Steam and HumbleBundle - and even more platforms in the future! We have some nice surprises in store for you. :D

Yeah, I’m giddy about getting both via PC and Vita.

Not really my favorite current roguelike, but since the thread came up and I’m playing it I figure it’s worth mentioning. Caves of Qud. Little bit iffy on it since it’s a structured roguelike (Same quests/locations every time) and some of the mechanics I haven’t decided on yet (The armor value and armor piercing system, how skills are handled, etc) but it is enjoyable so far. Kind of a Gamma World-like setting with mutation mechanics.

Haven’t got very far yet (Cleared Red Rock which is the first dungeon and major quest) but it’s enjoyable. Especially if they keep working on it. One thing it has up on other paid-roguelikes like SotS the Pit and Dredmor is the lack of metagame mechanics (The Pit and Dredmor both had a recipes system that used the same materials and recipes every game, but gated the recipes behind discovering things in the game. So either you have to play a million times to start to learn recipes or you just open a wiki page for it. Really bums me out) and it’s less grindy/is faster paced. Dredmor and the Pit both tended to drag ass more than free roguelikes since you still would want to clear every floor for XP and loot, but the process of doing that was significantly slower than in most free ones. Qud moves at a good clip so far.

I love CoQ for just how batshit detailed and deep it is. I never last long in there, but I always enjoy my time with it.

Well, good thing I’ve got regeneration I guess. Still unfortunate since that hand had my torch, and losing it plunged me in to darkness.

I love the clean looking text of that screen, Squee. Seems like an interesting game for sure.

Meanwhile, I came here because I want to know if Dragon Fin Soup is good or not - it looks like it released today, I love the art and visual design, and it seems like a cool “Dungeons of Dredmore” style Rogue-like. Is that right? Has anyone played this yet? It’s on Steam for $18, looks like.

I kickstarted it and have a copy, but haven’t been about to touch it yet.

Brian Rubin, you have failed this thread.

I’m at WORK ya daft git and the code just came out like an hour ago.

That is almost certainly the first I have ever been called a “daft git” and I did laugh my ass off. :)


Hahahha, yay!

I was at work ya pisser, and now I’ve a podcast to get ready fer, but FINE, let me load it up for three seconds. Oh lookit, it loads! Yay! It takes place on the back of a giant turtle!

More like roguegameflunky.com amirite? :P

I love/hate you guys.

It’s part of PSN Plus this month, so if you have a PS4 and Plus account you can play it for free. I dinked around in it for an hour which isn’t nearly enough time to evaluate a game like this, but it’s a miss for me. I kept getting frustrated at the UI (the font is really hard to read when it’s small and mini-map is either buggy or misrepresenting space), lots of world development and dialogue to click through that wasn’t grabbing me, and in the first hour I didn’t experience anything that made me excited about it. It did inspire me to start playing brogue again though!

The name sounded inspiring so I was hoping for more from Dragon Fin Soup. I’m with you - probably a miss for me. The UI is pretty terrible & feels pretty awkward with the PS4 controller. But maybe I’m just not the right demographic - I just picked up something called ‘Cheap Shitis’ - the description reads “it looks like the label says ‘cheap shit.’” Umm, ok.

Well I just lost an hour to it. It’s charming as hell, tons of fun, but a bit quirky in the controls department. It’s REALLY easy to get stuck on scenery that isn’t on the map, so there’s a lot of finegaling around shit like trees and rocks (which you can slice through, but you shouldn’t in town or you’ll be fined). So far the writing is funny, the combat is fun and the wolf is charming. I like it!

That’s the “pinch of crass humor”! ;)

I was already turned off by that feature, but I’m wondering - how is the “Superfluid turn-based tactical combat”?

I have to step in with my traditional rant (which I recognize is entirely personal preference) about how I wish these games would stop trying to be “jokey.”

I really like Roguelikes. And the recent need to add really fucking stupid attempts at humor (usually involving fart puns and similar things that weren’t even really that funny when I was eight years old) just completely puts me off of a game.

I don’t get it, because it’s not even necessary. When I look at something like Rogue Legacy, for example, I remember the gameplay. All of the “flatulence” character quirks, etc. just get lumped into a “that’s stupid” bucket.

When I look at something like Spelunky, I never find myself thinking, “I wish this had some clever humor, like where your guy stops and takes a shit on a statue.”

“Dragon Fin Soup uses an adult oriented, light-hearted tone to disguise some brutally hard gameplay. One that I believe will turn out to be incredibly rewarding.” -Hardcore Gamer

“…there’s an old-school zelda vibe crossed with tactical combat and crafting. That appeals.” -Rock Paper Shotgun

“Oh lookit, it loads! Yay! It takes place on the back of a giant turtle!” -Brian Rubin, Rouge Game Junkie


In all seriousness, thanks for the work that you put into RGJ. Looking forward to watching your videos to see what titles I might be interested in in this exploding genre.