What was your first programming language?

POKE 53280,0
POKE 53821,0
ctrl-4 for light-blue cursor

Best for a B&W TV, which was all I could afford

I suppose it’d technically be whatever flavor of BASIC was on the TI-85 I had in high school, but my first actual programming was definitely in C in college.

I loved Basic. GOTO line 225. I mean how easy is that.

Ah, all the POKE-ing. At one point I had the entire program for making a little TIE fighter sprite on the C-64 memorized. I would type it into the display model at the store while my mom was shopping.

I mean:
int* loc=53280;

I did POKE-ing too. And it’s fun to write directly to memory-mapped locations on your PC monitor. You can still do this if you program microcontrollers, which often have a memory-mapped LCD interface built in.

I never did make it very far in programming. Always just a very novice dabbler, but I may always remember–in chronological order–the commands for clearing the screen:


Match the command to the BASIC version!

Apparently there is a difference between programming and scripting as I do a lot of the latter and rarely have to worry about static types, main, inheritance, etc.

Scripting is programming. And not all programming languages have static types, main, or inheritance.

My first experience was basic, but that was kid stuff and i didnt do much. Some pascal and fortran in classes, but didnt do anything with them outside class. LPC on the mud I was addicted to in 1992 was my first real programming. Then a ton of java and c both in school and for the couple of years i worked as a software engineer. Hardly any programming since then other than using java to write a regression analysis program for my civil engineering masters thesis because excel couldnt handle it.