What's in your stocking? It's the 15th Annual QT3 Secret Santa Gift Exchange

Ah, an extra layer of secret this year! Who’s the AI?

I can’t remember, did I send the original rubber chicken?

Is there a way to digitally send someone a rubber chicken? Asking for a friend.


I believe so, in 2018.

That chicken is a town favorite when my kid’s friends come over.

@fire so it appears I got missed in your list…

I thought so. I wanted to send a live bird but it turned out to be too impractical.

Hmm, I don’t see you in the list of respondents. I re-opened the form so please fill it out again and we’ll get you paired up.

Actually this is probably a good thing- we are moving in a couple of weeks and it will be a mess to get me a package. I’ll skip this year. Thanks! :)

You can just send me the expansion to Dune Imperium and fall asleep like a kitten, knowing that you did your part.

Hi folks!

Secret Santa assignments have just gone out! Let me know if you expected to receive an assignment but didn’t, and please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

And so it begins…


Should I have gotten mine yet?

Yep! Sent you a PM.

In case anyone has already started stalking me, please give me a the weekend to update the lists in the message I left. Thank you.

If you’re ignoring the lists then please ignore this message. :)

Oh actually, same here. I’ve been tossing things into mine for months without care or regard for consistency and kinda forgot this was coming up so soon, oops

This issue has been corrected, lol

It has not for me yet and we are in rush to leave on Thanksgiving trip mode. I apologize greatly to my Santa.

Wishlists are updated. Just a bunch of suggestions and random crap to get a picture with. I love surprises too.
