What's the deal with tap water

Chlorine “dies.” Time can “kill” it, it doing its “job” can “kill” it, and UV light “kills” it.

Cyanuric acid could probably do the job too, but I dunno it you want to be drinking that.

I worked in a pool for years and have drank a tonne of pool water at the recommended level of chlorine and I don’t really remember it having a taste. Smell, yes, but no taste. How high is the chlorine level in the tap water there?

You don’t notice the taste of chlorine? That’s odd. Besides smell and taste are pretty related senses, so changes in smell often affect how something tastes. In the case of chloring though…I taste it.

Are you sure you aren’t “smelling” the chlorine on your tongue?

Also, a reason I might not have tasted the chlorine in the pool is basically because I was constantly holdng my breath.

Without your sense of smell, the taste buds on your tongue can identify only the extremely basic sensations of sour, sweet, salt, and bitter. So holding your breath explains it.

For me, when I travel, drinking the tap water makes me sick from other states. I’m from NJ, and trying the water in Vegas, had a metal taste to it. In texas it made me sick for a few days. My family can’t drink water with minerals in it as it gives us headaches.

Gone Gold post of the month.

All this “my tap water tastes like crap because it’s piped through 500 miles of aqueduct” business makes me even more convinced that anyone living in a natural desert area (e.g. all of California except the mountains, or the entire American southwest) is fucking doomed from global warming. DROUGHT, people. DROUGHT. It’s coming.

Yeah, I’m obsessed. Fucking heat wave gave me a neurosis OK?

People don’t like [b]Seattle[/b] tap water? It’s the best tap water I’ve tasted anywhere. Geez, you guys are spoiled.

Heck, when I lived in the Puget Sound area (over twenty years ago, to be sure), we put tap water in our radiators and car batteries. Never had a problem.

Truckee, CA. Damn is that water good.

The tap water at Mammoth Lakes is fantastic. The tap water in San Diego is far less so, though the San Diego tap water isn’t too bad compared to some other places I’ve drank tap water.

It really does depend completely upon where you live – I’ve lived in places where the tap water tastes great and places where it tastes like shit. If it tastes like shit where you live, buy bottled water and tell people who bring up that Bullshit episode, etc, to shut the fuck up.

Agreed, although I’m currently obsessing over the coming blackouts and how to survive without power.

Back on topic; London tap water = yummy, LA tapwater = vile. I had some awesome water from a drinking fountain in King’s Canyon, and Yosemite valley bottled water tastes great too, I imagine the two may come from the same source, or a very similar one.

Yeah. I lived in Reno for awhile, and that wasn’t too bad either. And up at Lake Tahoe…man, you don’t even need bottled water up around them parts.