Who is Qt3's Most Insane Poster?

Not insane. Racist.

I vote Koontz. In fact, I’ve learned more from Koontz in the last couple of weeks than in the whole 4 years prior to that.

I didn’t make it. :(

Jesus, I’m gonna have to hold semifinals.

I voted for fire’s ass. I demand more threads where I can vote for fire’s ass.

If I’m not in the poll options, I’m going for fire’s ass.

I always thought a group of lawyers was a bugger.

You fucking would, Sharp.

People who post their own name in a poll have sunk to a whole new low of pretentious whoredom.

Likewise people who feel they have to qualify fire’s ass as the shit bonerz option of the most insane poster poll. Maybe I think them butt cheeks are INSANE!

Harsh! It’s Friday Bob, punch yourself in the face and lighten up.

And you know darn well the first thing everyone would say is “Why aren’t you in that list, Bill?”

Absolutely. He should have replaced his name with yours.

i concur

From Koonts’ Blog…

Yum Tasty, I feast on your breasts! AH, milk of life!

Yum Tasty: “Brian with a kick, I am concerned about Other than Mike. He’s not talking to me.”

Brian with a kick: “Other than Mike, how dare you not communicate with Yum Tasty! You insolent, arrogant bastard! You think you’re better than us, is that it?”

Other than Mike: “Not talking is a form of communication. Its a type of pathos.”

Brian with a kick: “Not talking is what humans describe as INSANE. It makes them uncomfortable and uneasy, and they will not stand for it! Oh well, if you’re going to be misdescribed you might as well have some fun with it. Why not take the next step? Talk to them, but about things that are just out of their reach. That REALLY pisses them off.”


You know, if fire’s ass, the Shit, Bonerz! option wins, it means we’re all crazy.

Any poll that leaves off Naked Lunch and his jism-post he made in the Oblivion thread… hard to top that.

I had to do some vetting…someone else needs to do a Crazy N00b poll.

KONy wins

I voted Tom mostly because of Deus Ex, and that whenever he plays Eve of Destruction he keeps grinding his teeth and muttering “I hate you, Burnout 3!” even when people poke him and tell him to concentrate on avoiding the careening bus. I’m pretty sure that both of those factors are in the DSM-IV somewhere.

Also, it crossed my mind that various people in the Creepy Boy Riddle Thread might need mention, but on further thought, that was more of a self-contained days-long psychotic break. Now, which posters have had the best psychotic breaks, there’s a good poll.