Who wants to play Old World PBEM? (games starting August 1st!)

Hmm, I saw the option when I did my turn, but did not try and use it. Weird, will try it shortly then.

That’s kind of a big deal! One of my general’s special ability is to do that.

It’s not an intentional change - as far as I know nothing should have changed, but I will take a look before next weeks update.

Just tested it out, and it seems like Healing in neutral territory with a Hero general works? Could you post a screenshot if this happens again?


@tomchick the Explorer is up.

@SorenJohnson, the issue seems to be interface scaling. If you scale the interface up past a certain point (I think I was three increments past the middle of the slider bar?), the Heal option is pushed offscreen for a unit with a Hero general. But unlike the Worker’s panel which has a scroll bar to access all his options, there was no way to scroll up to the unit’s Heal option. I was able to barely reach the border of the command with my mouse, and I was only able to tell it was the Heal button by the tooltip.

It’s not really an issue and I was able to fix the issue by scaling the interface back down.



Now supported by Play Your Damn Turn:

I had a lot of glitches on my turn. I think Tom is up next, but I’m not sure the turn was uploaded. Could someone double check and see who’s turn it is?

It’s still showing as your turn for me.

I took my turn earlier today and didn’t notice anything amiss.


Ok I redid my turn, everything is normal

@davehemke think you’re up…

Turn in. Things are looking grim for the Eastern Confederation.

FWIW, I would be happy to start a rematch with the same group but with Fog on. I think it might be better that way - I was anticipating more forum updates.

For me the pace of this game has been so slow by the time my turn comes around I forgot what I was doing or why I was doing it.

I do think some more tagging of turns would be justified. Helps with the ‘whos turn is it’ aspect.

That said I have liked the match, and am anticipating seeing where things go. I should probably start a regular single player game…

I intended to banter more but I feel a little shy about it, because since the game started I’ve read Vel’s manual and played more and now I feel like I’m doing more of a rescue job on someone else’s start. :)

Suffice to say that you three on the other team will be in such big trouble when I figure out how to un-botch my resource drains. :)

I am having fun, though. I wish we could flip through turns more quickly but I’ve admittedly had my share of 12-48 hour delays.

I’m more than willing to entertain a negotiated peace - my leader is a diplomat, after all.

In exchange for peace and a return to the internationally recognized Year 0 boundaries and borders, we are willing to support a resolution to have @tomchick send you 15 gold and 2 whales per turn for 30 turns.

I think the main issue for me is that these games are basically just two teams rushing each other with early game units. I’m not sure what else I expected with open visibility maps. :) It doesn’t help that there are no computer players, and a lot of the appeal of the design is how you interact with computer players. In fact, I’m not convinced Old World works as a game with only human players.

That said, I’m happy to throw in the towels or plug away to the bitter end.
