Why does Diablo 3 bore the crap out of me?

So I out more time into this and tried each character I to level 7. Decided on the Crusader as it felt like the most straightforward class to play. As mentioned Normal was ridiculous, so I restarted on Hard and that was still too easy for me. Now I’m playing on Expert and enjoying it quite a bit since I actually have to think.

I’m a bit confused about something however. I’ve put a lot of money into training the blacksmith and salvaging materials, but now I have to leave New Tristan. How can I get back to the Blacksmith? I only made one item with him and now it seems like a big waste if I can’t travel back and forth between the Act I and Act II towns.

Inventory management has been a NIGHTMARE. Because I don’t have a solid build and it changes based on what great items I pick up, I’d like to keep a large variety of items to mix and match. The cost of more space is now $100,000 for 14 slots. Does anyone have some general tips for Inventory management?

He goes with you to the Act II town (and I assume the rest of the towns throughout the game, though I’m still only in Act II of my first playthrough).

All the different crafters come with you to each new town.

Inventory management has been a NIGHTMARE. Because I don’t have a solid build and it changes based on what great items I pick up, I’d like to keep a large variety of items to mix and match. The cost of more space is now $100,000 for 14 slots. Does anyone have some general tips for Inventory management?

I break down everything I’m not actually wearing or planning to wear and just store the components. Unless you get a perfect roll you get so much stuff in this game you can’t possibly store it all. I have kept some nice legendaries, but after loot 2.0 the rolls are usually so specific to your class that there’s not much point.

Yeah, you can’t escape him. For whatever reasons of his own, he traipses along with you to the worst parts of the world and beyond.

Maybe there’s other “sick” relatives who need putting down

Like Charmtrap said, storing stuff isn’t really worthwhile until nearly max level (70) where you’ll get enough similar level items that getting them to combo well and still be strong is actually beneficial. And by that time, 100,000 gold will seem laughably low.

Just to echo everyone else - one way that I tend to manage my stuff is to have a section of the stash dedicated to gems / crafting mats, a section dedicated to one backup set of equipment for a different skill build, and a section dedicated to legendaries / set items / really awesome old items I’m not ready to give up on.

Until you are approaching 70, I’d just sell / destroy everything you aren’t wearing unless it’s a set item / legendary with a unique bonus you might be into (and even then, you can probably destroy it when you’re 10 or more levels above it). For the most part, you will level fast enough that the old items aren’t worth it.

I can confirm that playing the console version on expert is somehow even more boring than the PC version on normal.

I just played through the entirety of Act 2 and 3 on Expert on the PS4. I never once used a single health potion, nor did anything but stand in place and spam my Crusader abilities. Even with bosses. It is impossible to die. The only time the game was fun and slightly challenging was the very beginning of the game up to about the halfway point in Act 1.

How the hell did they screw the balance up so bad? And why the hell can’t I raise the difficulty past expert until I’ve completed the whole game?

Just think of it as a Michael Bay movie you have to suffer through to get to the best parts.

I think the second part of your question is the better one since I’ll bet there are plenty of folks who would not find it so easy. Honestly adventure mode is the fun part of the game these days if you’ve already seen the story. The first time I played through the game (which was in the early days, prior to the expansion), I was playing on hardcore, so even though I didn’t die it was pretty intense not knowing what I was going to run into or how quickly enemies would ramp up. It probably would have been a chore on sc (and was, when I subsequently went through it), but it doesn’t take that long and you’d have to level either way.

If you honestly get zero enjoyment out of the new areas, monsters, quests, item types, crafters, etc that are encountered as you move through the game the first time, then I don’t think having it be harder would improve the experience enough, but I also think you’re an outlier. If you’ve already played through the content many times and are thus bored by it, then once more through it on normal to unlock adventure mode isn’t the worst thing in the world (though I’m surprised that it wouldn’t already be unlocked on console if you’ve done it on PC).

No, I was absolutely loving it on expert for the first half of Act 1. Then it became so easy there was absolutely zero challenge. There is no thrill in finding new loot or crafters when it’s impossible to die.

I played up to act 3 on just hard in the 360 SKU, and it was a harsh challenge all the way through.

I think the PS4 SKU just drops way too good gear constantly.

Maybe. Are you meticulously clearing every map and doing every side quest? If so, your other alternative is to rush more-- don’t focus on clearing every map and just push towards the main quest to get yourself to the higher acts faster. While the game does scale to some degree, you can certainly hang out to long in certain acts on the first pass-through.

I think another issue here is that they adjusted game difficulty so that more than 50 people in the world could do T6 productively. My wizard is literally 2.5x more powerful than he was yesterday after the patch. Getting to Torment 6 is something they want to be attainable without tens of thousands of hours.

Yea my Crusader also feels wayyyy stronger today post-patch than it did yesterday pre-patch. Then again I switched up my build with new gear so I don’t know if it’s exactly related.

Must admit I’m really getting tired of the server going down every single night. It’s down again for PC.

I have not played since the patch and did not hit the PTR…skimmed the patch notes…honestly it took me 10 minutes just to skim them, so many fucking changes!

What is the reason your wizard is so much better? Class specific changes or general game mechanic changes? Concerning the latter it looks like they jacked all life on hit and regen abilities and nerfed health globes…but that would not account for such a dramatic change in perceived difficulty, would it? I have 2 70s but mainly play a Demon Hunter. I will be checking the patch out later.

Ray of Frost went from something like 450% dmg to 450%/sec, capping at 1250%. Every meteor is vastly improved as well. Star Pact does like 60m damage now. The only hard thing about a wizard atm is figuring out a clever way to deal all 4 types of damage.

I rushed through the entirety of Ace 2 and Act 3, often times just running by monsters. Never went in a single side cave. Barely upgraded my equipment.

The only time I ever had to think were when either those rotating arcane beams were used, or those exploding ice traps. Everything else was just stand and spam. I regen health every time I hit something, every time I use mana (or whatever the crusader’s pool is called), and every time I kill something.

Also, I’m by no means saying “I’m such a badass it was a cakewalk”. I’m generally not that good at Diablo.

I have to agree with you. I’m playing a barbarian. It is my first and only character and I’ve been playing. Difficulty is on expert. I’m almost level 40 at this point. Earlier in the game (I just started act 3) I had to be more careful, but not terribly so. Now, I haven’t really been threatened by anything, including the boss at the end of act 2. Each hit I do regens so much health my meter barely ever goes down.

I don’t consider not having to use a potion a bad or boring thing, but that’s because I despise the mechanic in general. If you’re going to have it, I prefer the way PoE does it. I’d much rather have a game balanced on what you do in a fight other than chugging pots. Granted it’s miles better than the older ones where you could chug forever.

You don’t miss managing your belt potion inventory?!?!? :p