Why the hell did these people vote for Trump?

Premature baby on ventilator. Part time work, inconsistent benefits. Primary support is working for IRS. So why on Earth would a person vote for Trump when Republicans hate the IRS, hates funding it, hates proper taxes to keep American afloat, hates any kind of social safety net, basically every single thing this family is desperately dependent on.

I see this over and over again. Democrats never did anything bad to them, yet they vote Republican and act surprised when they’re hung out to dry. What the hell is wrong with these people?

Because they love god and hate brown/gay people?

These are exceptions. The Whites who voted for Trump did not vote against their economic interests . They got exactly what they wanted, unfortunately.

Once again. It’s quite simple. They hated Hillary Clinton more. It’s as simple as that.

My folks made their entire living off the government, and still they voted for this moron who wanted to tear it down.

Because they hated her more.


But she was actually a decent person unlike Trump. She was skilled at her job and had concise plans to address every level of problem affecting America (I actually read her website - it was amazing). I mean, she is not a bad person, not bad enough to vote for an evil, scum-sucking Narcissist.

Medicaid pays for much of Harper’s care, but her parents still need to shell out hundreds of dollars a month for items that aren’t covered.

Yeah, and we know the GOP LOVES Medicaid.

I’ll hold off on saying anything worse, because the 15 month old child doesn’t deserve to suffer for her parents idiocy, but fuck people like this.

Wah wah wah, the thing I voted for is hurting ME! Deal with it you fucking assholes. Everyone in the U.S. has to deal with this bullshit, and over half of us didn’t vote for it.

Can we just make this the official Cletus Safari/Schadenfreude thread?

They expected the leopard to eat the brown people’s faces, not their own. Easy mistake to make.

That paper doesn’t claim that poor whites don’t vote again their interests. It claims that they are no more likely to do so than other groups, which is not the same thing. And it defines voting against their interests as being uninformed, which is not the same thing at all. One can make an informed vote against one’s interests.

Never underestimate the power of “I don’t mind being poor, so long as those n****** on the other side of town are poorer”.

Can I highlight this one?


I love the WaPo but this is probably one of the worst ones yet.

He was at the end of his sermon. If he was going to say anything about Trump, or presidents, or politicians, or how having a Christian character was important for the leader of the United States, now was the time. His Bible was open. He was preaching without notes.

He looked out at all the faces of people who felt threatened and despised in a changing America, who thought Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were sent by Satan to destroy them, and that Donald Trump was sent by God to protect them, and who could always count on Clay Crum to remind them of what they all believed to be the true meaning of Jesus Christ — that he died to forgive all of their sins, to save them from death and secure their salvation in a place that was 15,000 miles wide, full of gardens, appliances, and a floor of stars.

Not now, he decided. Not yet. He closed his Bible. He had one last thing to say to them before the sermon was over.

I feel like I damaged my cornea I rolled my eyes so hard.

The problem is that you think people are rational, and we’re mostly not.

Yes. Reasonable people know these things. Their hatred of her–and these are Christians, expressing pure hatred–has nothing to do with her qualifications. They just cannot stand her. Remember, white women voted for a man who bragged about assaulting women in droves, rather than vote for one of the most qualified people–male or female–ever to run for president.

And further consider this. She remained faithful to a jerkwad husband for the good of her country and her family. And she raised a decent, smart, accomplished daughter. She spent the better part of her life serving her country.

None of that mattered. They just hated her so much they voted for a turd who has lived his life contrary to their entire moral structure.

Pretty much this. Said more succinctly.


This is no joke, but the most ardent Trump person I know (knew) is a white guy in his 40s who has never worked a day in his life and lives off of disability checks. This is the guy who is on Facebook 24x7 yelling at “Libtards” and the like. The primary reason he’s such a Trump/Republican fanatic is because he’s completely opposed to any kind of social safety net and his hatred for “welfare queens”.

I swear I’m not making that up. This is the “remorseful Trump voter” that they write articles about, that are sad when they realized the people they’ve been railing about are themselves. Also in this category: My father, kept alive last year via a taxpayer-paid heart surgery and living off of Social Security. Opposes any sort of government assistance program, government healthcare, or social safety net.

I just watched Stephen Root’s bank teller in Buster Scruggs (pan-shot!) and, wow, was he great. Along with his blind DJ in O Brother, I hereby proclaim Mr. Root the greatest living Coen actor. He fits so perfectly in their world.

On topic: I have no f*cking clue.

On topic:

Because they are racists, misogynists or bigots.

Its really not complicated.

Kudos for the guy finally figuring it out though and expressing regret, lets hope he isnt stupid enough to vote Republican ever again. Like Snoop says…


I would feel the overwhelming need to shout this at him

Can’t set timestamps easily on my phone, Skip to 14 seconds

To reinforce what Scott said about this:

The study identifies “voting correctly” as “voting for the candidate who best represents your policy preferences.” It doesn’t measure or even judge the economic impact of your policy preferences. If your policy preferences will damage you, the study will still identify you as having voted correctly.

Despite its snarky concluding paragraphs, the study doesn’t really address the issues raised in What’s the Matter with Kansas at all.

Oh man, you have no idea. Actually, you probably do a have a good idea. But yeah, I want to yell that at him so bad.

It feels like it’s practically a holiday tradition at this point that every time I go over there, I’m going to be subjected to a “hilarious” video or two that my dad thinks I’ll find funny for some odd reason.

This last Thanksgiving was no exception and the video that day was that fucking I Think My Dog’s a Democrat music video. He’s chortling the whole time and looking over his shoulder like “Isn’t this hilarious?” and I’m just staring at him at a loss for words, which is hard to do.

Again, this is a guy who gets a check from taxpayers to pay his mortgage and buy his food, had a heart valve replaced and had the bill footed by the taxpayersl. And I’m just looking at him thinking “You do realize you’re the dog in this video, right?” And it’s only because dirty Democrats like me are willing to stand up and protect vulnerable populations like him that he gets his food, his clothes, his medical care, and the roof over his head?

If being a Democrat is taking care of the innocent dogs in the country, then fucking right I’m a Democrat. You’re welcome, Dad.