The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

LOL - #WellPlayed

Keep in mind that DailyBeast article is from 2015. The decision to unseal indictments/evidence related to Duvalier laundering money that may involve Trump is new.

Ah, that explains a lot. Couldn’t figure out why the DB article was going into all that stuff about Gaddafi. It would have been a bit more relevant/new back then.

I mean it for sure may mean nothing and this is entirely a nothingburger. Just interesting (and sort of schadenfreud-y) to see Haiti playing a little hardball.

Oh, it could totally be something real. I misunderstood (both times) and thought the DB article was responding to the new news. There could well be new evidence in the Haiti docs about proper money laundering/embezzlement facilitation, as opposed to just being a landlord.

It would be absolutely hilarious if the Haiti docs ended up having even a minor effect on Mueller’s investigation.

This bit had valid criticism of both Democrats and Republicans.

VP Pence visited a historical black church yesterday, just in time for this fine sermon.

Some side of Pence has gotta be hoping for Trump to get drummed out of town. That’s his best hope for grabbing the brass ring that a few years back he couldn’t have dreamed was within reach.

Whoever does Samantha Bee’s Full Frontal twitter feed is on fire.

And in counterpoint, Chris Long is a fucking national treasure.

This is a little late to the party, but I enjoyed this short Vice compilation of all the things Trump’s claimed to be the best at.

So awesome. Such an amazing meatbag of barnyard manure.

“Nobody is more full of shit than me.” Those would be the first honest words out of his mouth since he took office.

Cities like Boston, Chicago and Detroit are famous for their hospitality to blacks. Or would that be infamous. Just zone them where you want them to live. Build freeways to cordon them off. And keep them out of your schools.

Wow - the south must really suck to rank even below that.

Joni Ernst did a town hall in her home town (Red Oak, Iowa), and she claimed that Trump was really just standing up for Norway. The room full of old, white people burst into laughter.

If Trump is standing up for Norway, can we please have Scandinavian-style health care and social safety net?


Also metal, please.

I would watch that but I’m just about to have lunch.