The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I’m pretty sure the openly nazi successor party to the GOP will be saying just this in about 20 or 30 years.

I posted this map before. It’s supposed to be optimistic, I think, but it sure looks like a recipe for world war to me.

Yeah seeing where like 95% of the worlds population lives as a desert says no one will be alive to live in the suddenly green areas.

Before humanity collapses, somebody somewhere will pull the trigger on Plan B.

Yeah, I can totally see future US, saying jeeze we’re all roasting and starving down here, and it’s so nice and green and cool in Canada, too bad it’s not ours, oh well sigh

Plan B is more or less let 99% of the people suffer and die while we drink cool margaritas by the pool, right?

Even if someone decides global nuclear war is the solution to the problem (remove a % of the population mostly in high-carbon city areas, crash industrialization, maybe create a bit of nuclear winter and start over), I think there is already enough carbon change in the biosphere to continue the warming for decades.

Well, removal of population is one thing, I was thinking more the effect of blocking out the sun for years to cool things off.

Did you read the article?

Plan B is to reduce global temperatures via geoengineering, eg. aerosol release. No, you do not need to detonate nuclear weapons if you want to increase atmospheric reflectivity. In fact, the method is cheap enough that even a poor country could do the job all by itself.

It will likely work in reducing temperatures. And it will likely have bad unanticipated side effects that are nevertheless better than watching 99% of the population die. At least, better if you are in the 99%.

In that case I am going to need more food buckets… or maybe some plump helmet and cave wheat seeds and a shovel.

“I’ll only do it if I can test her personally, OK?” the president continued. “That will not be something I enjoy doing, either.”

Luckily the growing zones for the agave plant are much more convenient. A shame about the lime trees.


I followed your links to the tweet thread, which led to one article which was not about any plan B. Sorry, if it’s there, I missed it.

Edit: Ah, found it, thanks!

Since the beginning of time man has yearned to destroy the sun.

We’re already seeing the effects in terms of stressors to civilization. Assad was always repressive but the Syrian civil war and the ensuing refugee crisis likely doesn’t happen if not for a 15 year drought which left millions of people desperate and starving.

That migration is the tip of the iceberg. Africa, The Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, large chucks of Asia, Southern and Central America are all going to become increasingly uninhabitable over the next couple of decades. Many people blame the refugee crisis for the rise of authoritarianism in Europe.

I think people underestimate thebdestabakizing effects of these sorts of stressors on civilization. Things are going to go to shit in a major way we’ll before climate change kills us outright.

One thing I’ll add to that grim picture— We staring to see the beginning of societal breakdown and mass migration due to drought and that will obviously only get worse. Now imagine the scale of things when these areas become uninhabitable because they are incompatible with human physiology. We’re already beginning to see signs of that - Increased rates of kidney failure due to nephrology. When things get too hot and humid, sweating no longer cools the body. If you live somewhere without air conditioning, this means you’re slowly being killed by your environment. Yhats happening today, not in the year 2100 or whatever artificial horizon these projections like to use

I’m kinda surprised none of the various crazies out there have suggested some kind of gengineered plague to kill off (or sterilize) large chunks of the population.

Cue someone finding exactly that and posting it in 3, 2, 1…

Well, they’ll need our blood to keep them young and vigorous, right?

Because Michael Avanatti is an imbecile who believes his own hype.

This outcome was obvious to anyone with a brain. The case was ridiculous. And now Stormy Daniels has to pay for Trump’s lawyers


Put no faith in this con man.