Witchfire - The Vanishing of Painkiller Bulletstorm

From The Astronauts

Hell yes. That looks very Painkiller-like.

Damn, I was getting arm pit sweats and raised heart rate just watching the sneak peak.

That looks outstanding. Super creepy and cool. Visually stunning, too.

What a great bait and switch in the trailer. Well done.

Beautiful graphics and clever bait and switch aside, it seems like a very classic shooter in the Painkiller style. But they said they have some interesting mechanics and that it will be different than what they did in the past, so I am curious. But it is probably 2019 title.

Really? Why are they even showing it now then? That’s so dumb.

EDIT - Everywhere I see says no release windows was given. I am sure it will be a 2018 title unless (until) it gets delayed.

I really hope this one is not years down the pipe because it looks awesome.

On the Astronauts’ website, it says, “The game is still a long way from release and we are not announcing any other platforms than PC/Steam. The reason we’re launching the teaser so early is simply to let everyone know that we’re alive and kicking, and how radically different this new project of ours is compared to our previous game, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter… The game is nowhere near complete, it’s going to be a long time before it’s ready. It’s not like we’re secretive for no reason.” I think 2019 is a safe bet.

Still, it looks great ()running on UE4), and as a huge Bulletstorm and Painkiller fan, it’s exciting to see the studio return to what it does best: shooters!

Bayo 3 will surely be 2019 as well. That’s okay, time flies.

Oh hey and update and possible 2020 release.

From a few weeks ago:

Wow, it’s like they read Telefrog’s terrible thread title and made a trailer for it, and now it seems perfect. Telefrog is a genius!

That’s the same as the video from the first post. It’s from a couple weeks ago in 2017.

Doesn’t matter!
I happily watched it again.

I want to play this right now, dammit!
It looks freaking fantastic!

Probably gonna be a day-one for me.

I’m very intrigued and hopeful this is good.

So it is! That explains the thread name too. Telefrog wasn’t clairvoyant, this was the original trailer all along!

So wait, it’s been a year? Is this close to being done yet?

No story? Hmmm…

I sort of got a Dark Souls vibe from the enemy movement. Like the attack animations of the melee enemies are dedicated and very deliberate (that fucking leaping lunge attack)…but also the fire crossbow assholes.


You know, I just realized I posted the same video as the one in the first post. D: