Wolfenstein: The New Order

I really love Riddick and The Darkness tried some pretty neat things so I’m sure this will be pretty ace.

It sucks that Bethesda announced yet another game without giving fans a Prey 2 update. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll be seeing that game again. It looked like the most interesting take on a shooter since STALKER and Far Cry 2.

I think Wolfenstein could work really well with a TF2 treatment. It would more closely resemble peoples fond memories of the first. All I know is if Mechahitler isn’t the final boss someone is an idiot.

it pains me to admit it but I’m almost on Spector’s side this time… I’m not really interested in another dark linear me-too shooter.

There’s more content of all types available now than ever before

not really - I think that in the last decade games may be better than ever, but variety has hugely suffered (i’m not talking about indies), mostly everyone has followed the same trends.

Perhaps there are heaps of them I’ve missed between the Saboteur and today’s announcement but it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen a Nazi in a video game. More importantly, the premise of this game sounds interesting enough with the bad guys and their robot army on the brink of total victory and our old buddy Blazkowicz all that stands between them and planetary domination. Cliche? Yes. Silly? Yes. But I can also see it being a hell of a lot of fun if done right.

I think Ken Levine has it right when he says there’s room for all kinds of games. Frankly, I find Specter’s dour grumping about yet another shooter surprisingly narrow-minded considering the variety of games that Bethesda publishes.

Well there’s your problem.

Sniper Elite V2 has plenty of Nazis as well as it’s off-shoot Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army and don’t forget the Nazi zombie modes in all the recent CoDs.

Nope, it was not. Extremely average with the worst multiplayer i have ever played. The gunplay was ok, but the level design was abysmal.

Man, Return To Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein 2009 were 2 of my favorite shooters in their days. I am keeping an eye on this one.

explain please? “it’s my problem” wanting more big budget games that takes risks or return to some neglected genres, or “it’s my problem” because you suppose that I don’t play indie games (I do and I enjoy some of them, thank you very much)?

You say that there isn’t much variety in games, which only makes sense if you exclude indie games. So don’t do that-- that’s the problem.

AAA games now are a completely different beast than they were even ten years ago. Those neglected genres are now serviced by smaller companies / indies (and in greater numbers than before).

that’s simply not true. you can’t make cartain games with and “indie” budget. example: stealth games. mark of the ninja is very good, but is a 2D sidescroller, which completely changes the gameplay. You can’t make a third person/first person stealth game in the vein of thief or splinter cell with that kind of budget.

Maybe. But there are still new Thief and Splinter Cell games coming out, so it’s not a genre abandoned by the industry.

Well, lets see if Thief 4 comes out, seeing how much trouble the company has had lately.

the last splinter cell was barely a stealth game, and I don’t think they are going back with the new one. As for thief 4, there are too few info about it. And even if you count other hybrid games, like dishonored and deus ex human revolution (I liked them both, but still, that’s another proof that almost everything has to be some kind of action game these days), they are still swallowed by a sea of shooters, cinematic action-adventures that play themselves and free roaming/sandbox games with collectibles under every rock.

Penumbra/Amnesia series, they kind of fit the bill, but with a slight horror bent. Certainly not combat heavy and produced on moderate budgets.

I don’t think anyone ever mentioned amnesia as a stealth game before.

I’m an out of the box thinker!

Singleplayer only.

On one hand, it’s good that the devs aren’t being forced to shoehorn a MP mode into it that will die in a matter of days. On the other hand, we’ll never get RTCW ever again.

RPS wrote a…thing.

Last week, RPS sent Brendan to preview MachineGames’ Wolfenstein: The New Order. In a noble experiment in objective journalism, the preview you’re about to read has been written by veteran RPS contributor Quintin Smith, based on nothing but the two pages of notes Brendan took during the presentation. He hasn’t even seen a screenshot.

It reads exactly how you’d expect from that description. Even if you (like me) have no interest in the actual game, it’s a fun read.

I’ll go ahead and say that if you decide to include a turret sequence and hints at a car chase sequence in your first gameplay video, we’re off to a lukewarm start.