Wolfenstein: The New Order


Alternate world Nazis were a big hit in Star Trek, right?

Waren Spector already has some choice words about this.

“Does the world need this?” is a pretty lame metric to use when deciding whether to create an entertainment product. Did the world need Epic Mickey 2?

There are people who are excited about this (like my brother, who’s a big Wolfenstein fan) so what’s the harm in letting them have their fun?

Daaaaaayum. Wasn’t the last Wolfenstein game pretty good though?

I thought it was a solid $10 purchase. I got it on sale for the 360 through Amazon.

Other than the structure of the game, I can’t say it was very remarkable. The game was set up with levels that branched off a main hub city that you had to traverse between missions sort of like Halo ODST.

I don’t know about you guys, but I am starting to have second thoughts about electing Warren Spector to be the guy who decides what games should get made.

I suspect that mr Specter is feeling the same fatigue from reruns, remakes, redoes, that the mainstream in general seems to be filling up on, as I do. Its not just games, but hollywood in particular is deadset on not innovating, but remaking every old movie out there. There is a point to be made about a culture which has stagnated here, but I rather suspect this isn’t the place to make it. Even though I totally did. Sorry!

As a fan of old school shooters, I can’t say I’m excited about this. They are going to have to surprise me good to build hype for it.

Okay, but who cares? Is there anyone who actually feels like they can’t get enough of what interests them? There’s more content of all types available now than ever before-- I’m buried under an endless pile of things I’m interested in and I’ll never have time to experience them all.

If the mainstream games or movie industry isn’t producing what you like, stop paying attention to them (and find who is). Saying that these things shouldn’t exist for the people who do enjoy them is tiresome and stupid.

Most people voice their opinions on things from time to time, even though it may be tiresome to you, and I’m sure thats what he was doing. Perhaps he wanted to put a seed of his kind of thinking into people? There is nothing inherently wrong or tiresome in voicing that opinion - Its not like he came here and posted it. Someone else did, who cared enough to follow him somehow. Anyways - its not really my argument, other than I find the vehemence against his statement puzzling.

I think Warren Spector used up a lot of goodwill amongst gamers with Epic Mickey and Epic Mickey 2, as well as his statements about violent games.

Really? I was sure Epic Mickey was well received among people? I admit I havent followed Epic Mickey 2 at all, but I guess I can understand if people disliked his anti-violence stance.

Yeah, I’m still arguing against Spector, not you.

It’s the difference between saying “I don’t like this” and “this should not exist”. There is a certain arrogance and myopia to the latter that makes me angry.

Epic Mickey sold well enough, but it was very divisive. The camera controls and platforming were awful. So bad, my wife (an huge Disney fan) couldn’t finish the game. Being Wii-only did it no favors as well.

Epic Mickey 2 was a gigantic flop. I suspect the low sales were in part because of the word-of-mouth on the first game.

OMFG someone on the internet has an opinion. Get em!

I kind of had a similar reaction as Mr. Specter this morning when a co-worker let me know about this game. I am genuinly tired of Nazi’s as video game villians. Even if they are robo-nazis or zombie-nazies. I do want something different, something new.

It has gotten so bad, that I almost cringe when I see another re-make (I am speaking in a very general sense). I am not just talking about video games, but movies too. The fundamental problem is: What is new is old, and what is old is also old.

On the one hand, I’m tired of Nazis and generically dark FPSs, too. OTOH, I’m a sucker for alternate-history retro scifi; and giant robots are always awesome (suck it, Warren Spector). So maybe I’ll just see the Nazis as the price of admission for the rest of the game.

On the other hand, those are some nice lookin Nazi Robots.

I’m tired of nazis being so damned successful. Giant robots, Zeppelins that work. Stop giving them such awesome toys.