Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Mr. Rogers Documentary

I thought Mr. Rogers was boring as hell and really stupid as a child. I wish I could have understood it better, because I frankly could have used it.

Now I am amazed by him and want to start crying just thinking about him.

You’d be surprised, I’ve seen a lot of conservatives blame him for the “pussification” of men in the US. Saying that talking about all kids being special in some way has created generations that think they deserve everything. They address it a little in the film.

Sadly, we all know there’s nothing conservatives won’t blame.

I was able to snag a promotional DVD of the PBS special, “Mister Rogers: It’s You I Like”, which aired earlier this year and was hosted by one of me all-time favorite actors, Michael Keaton.

The nice thing is that it wasn’t a retread of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”, as it had a lot of new interviews, insights and footage. It was just as joyful and tear-inducing as well.