Wordle: Everyone is Suddenly Playing It

Wordle 710 5/6*


this took an uncomfortable amount of time to solve

Wordle 710 4/6


Wordle 710 5/6*



Same, I had the last three letters placed by the third guess, missed the fourth, and had to start at it for a few minutes before I could click it together.

Wordle 710 5/6*


I had L, E, N and it took me a while to get the word. I had used all vowels, and kn is not a common word starter

Lol, i had the N solved but not placed, had the EL placed and knew there was a second E - and still I was thinking things like Sn-el? what word is that?

Wordle 710 4/6


Wordle 710 5/6


Wordle 711 4/6*


Wordle 711 5/6


Wordle 711 5/6*


Wordle 711 5/6*


Wordle 711 5/6*


Wordle 711 5/6


Wordle 711 4/6


Wordle 711 4/6


Wordle 712 4/6


Wordle 712 5/6*



Wordle 712 6/6*


Wordle 712 5/6
