World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

I am the opposite. This expansion is bouncing hard off me. I am not even sure why. The idea of an afterlife and seeing the closure of the Sylvanas story is pretty neat.

I just log on, see what the offerings are for me and go meh. I am only Renoun 7. I have barely done my covenant.

Who knows, maybe I am just done with MMOs, but WoW is just losing its appeal. I have been looking at FFXIV, and I have also been playing a little bit of LoTRO.

I think I got 2 leveled, maybe 3 but ended up stopping after 2 months or so.

Oh wow, I only have three lvl 60 characters because I don’t like focusing on a bunch at once. Have my rogue at 224 ilvl though, with the monk healer coming behind at around 218 now.

I was excited to get an in-game gift in Overwatch today but it was from Blizz for 3 days of WoW gametime.

I enjoyed the expansion for around 3 months but quit when it turned into me logging in every day, doing a few daily things, and then logging out. But Ihad a good time when I was playing. I think the only thing that would bring me back for more than a couple months would be if a bunch of my old pals started playing again.

I am further along on my Covenant than I thought. I will likely finish that before 9.1 hits and then do the bits to unlock flying.

Once I unlock flying I get into full alt mode.

So 9.1 was released and they added a new area (Korthia). It’s pretty small and manageable so it’s been fun running around there for a week, killing rares, grabbing chests, etc. I finished up season 1 with some +17 dungeons and a few Mythic raid bosses so it’s good to have some new content now. Ran a few 11s/12s with the new patch to try out the new 10+ affix (Tormented). It’s interesting, definitely a little different than Prideful. The 4 bosses haven’t been too tough and they give you a little anima power boost, chosen from a group of 3 each time.

We tried a couple bosses on the new megadungeon in ‘Hard’ mode, which lived up to its name. Mostly because we did zero research going in! And I’ll get a taste of the raid tonight when I join a group for bosses 6 through 10. And we can fly now!!! Haven’t really used it much but it’ll sure make the four covenant lands much easier to get around in.

Anyone else liking the new patch?

I unsubbed.

WoW and I took a fork in the road a few years back. Since I have played for a whopping 14 hours this year, the writing was clear.

It’s decent. The new affix was sold as “Torghast powers in M+” but they’re super underwhelming. When I played on my tanks I hated Prideful because coordinating the pulls to get a Pride before each boss was homework. And if you or someone in your group pulled an add you were fucked. So I’m hopeful the new affix is overall better, but the buffs suck.

Korthia is kind of fun, but hanging out in the zone for hours waiting for rares and chests to spawn is not rewarding gameplay. I get what bosses and chests I can while doing the dailies and leave. Meanwhile I have guildies at Tier 5.

I haven’t done the new dungeon yet, and I’m unlikely to see the raid for a while. The cinematic was predictable and disappointing.

Box quote!

Definitely agree with you here. It’d be more interesting if they had class-specific powers instead of the generic ones. Can’t say I’ve felt a noticable difference from the powers. The raid powers for the first boss sounds a lot more impactful.

What does this mean? “Torghast powers in M+”?

I thought Torghast was a fun run when I played it, but the rewards were minimal.

Even without hamfisted Metzen to screw things up, the story/lore by Blizzard for WoW continues to be atrocious:

There are four minibosses scattered throughout the dungeon. When they die, you get to pick a power from a selection of three, just like Torghast. Unlike Torghast, though, they’re pretty minimal. For example, I took one that increased my crit strike rating by 220 so long as I was above 80% health. One gave me a shield for 8% of my health every 45s. One did AE damage and bounced the enemies in the air. It was pretty fun to see the enemies bounce, but at the end of the dungeon my damage meter said that power only contributed to 3.8% of my total damage so… yeah.

The minibosses all had names and were the same every dungeon and gave out the same powers. You could optimistically hope that the minibosses in future weeks will give out different and more interesting powers… but probably not.

Ok, thanks.

I solo a lot so unless they come up with solo dungeons, I’m not all that interested. That’s what I liked about Torghast – I could run it solo. If there were good rewards in it I’d probably still be playing.

There are a lot of reasons I quit: the interminable systems at end game, the grinds, the gated content, etc.

But the primary reason is the toxic community. My Alliance guild is actually pretty good, but I don’t have a regular schedule and the M+ scene doesn’t really interest me. Doing anything PUG related just became a hassle. When every run has lots of “helpful” people I really got into a “why bother” mentality.

I had cancelled before this happened, but Christie Golden and other developers getting death threats over an in-game cinematic just affirmed my decision to walk away.

I do like playing through the new content in an expansion, but I’ve never been a raider and every guild I’ve been in has fallen apart when guildmates leave to join a raiding guild. There doesn’t seem to be casual guilds, or if they are they are so casual that it’s difficult to get groups together for dungeons.

I was hoping Torghast would have better rewards, but it really doesn’t. If it did I’d stay subbed and run it a few times a week to get gear. I also don’t like the grindy systems at the endgame. Oh well, I got my fun out of it for a few months.

On the plus side, the new raid and megadungeon seem to have pretty good feedback overall. I really liked the two raid bosses I’ve killed (Painsmith and Guardian). Looking forward to trying the rest of them soon.

Watching lore channels on YouTube, I encountered ads for paid private servers. That’s pretty brazen.

I played in May on a new account and my experience was like thus:

Level mage to 60. Am squishy. Join normal dungeon LFG. Say ‘I haven’t done this before, this is my first Shadowlands dungeon’. Get kicked out immediately. Repeat a half dozen times. Do a couple without mentioning anything, don’t get anything good. Normal dungeon queues are ridiculous for DPS because no one needs to do them. Can’t find a guild with anyone in the same general item level area of myself, even with alts, much less no assholes.

Level paladin to 58, realize my paladin is prot, wonder what the fuck I’m doing with my time.
