World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

It’s pretty easy these days because of benthic gear. My other alts just mailed him some of the extra benthic items they had picked up and, boom, he was pretty much at 385. You also get a 370 weapon immediately during the Nazjatar starting quest.

I always have 5 or 6 alts I keep outside my guild. I can play them anytime without being pestered by guild stuff. That said, my guild is very small and casual and we’ve been around since the beginning so there really isn’t any drama there. The biggest drama was the guild founders (husband and wife) had a nasty divorce and both left the guild never to be seen again. It’s sad because they were loved by everyone but that happened years ago. The guild never really recovered though. We just do fairly low level mythics on weekends with the 5 or 6 folks left and that’s it.

The end of expansion malaise has hit. Plus, this expansion bounced hard off me. I don’t really have any goals. To make things worse, I am not going to bother leveling alts until 9.0 hits.

I might level an Allied Race DK, but I haven’t pre-ordered the expansion yet either.

I have completely skipped this expansion, first one I’ve skipped. I may try Shadowlands because some of the features sound intriguing, but I am otherwise done with WoW for the foreseeable future.

I came back for a few months, had some fun leveling a bunch of alts via Korrak, ended up with just about every class sitting at 120 on both factions, and unsubbed. BFA is so alt unfriendly, it’s not even worth the bother for me to try and catch up. I’ve never been a player that sticks to one character, I get really bored quickly with only a “main”, so this expansion really couldn’t be more wrong for me.

Coming in late to expansions, is never great in WoW, especially for PvP, but this one is probably the worst I’ve seen in that regard. Trying to PvP at like…390 item level, against people that are fully decked out and essenced is just…laughably bad. WoW has always had a ‘gear is way too big of a difference’ problem, and it’s probably the worst it’s ever been with the essence grind/power.

I earned flying for my alts on my Horde main and then lost interest. Ran a couple of dungeons and realized why I don’t make a habit of running dungeons. Guess I could finish the Alliance stuff but they almost always bore the heck out of me.

I got flying, and all the AR unlocks, save the Mechagon piece. One that hits group finder tomorrow, I am good.

Blizzard said that AR DKs will still start at 58, so I may level a few for the heritage armor. I will wait until 9.0 to start leveling the other alts.

I pre-ordered, and for the the version that had the boost. I am considering a few server moves, and I figured the boost saves me $5 on a move.

I am still not sure what I am going to do for the rest of 8.3.x. I am probably not getting into the gear grind.

100% XP boost for a month, stacks with heirlooms. Live now.

The 9.0.1 pre-patch hit the PTR yesterday. Typically the pre-patch is on PTR for a month before live, so I think we are looking at a mid-September pre-patch and an October expansion launch.

They are also doing a ton of realm connections. I am deeply hoping Argent Dawn is one of them,


Been playing classic anyway.

I just resubbed, played for a day or so. Still trying to figure out what has and hasn’t been put in the game yet. The level squish is in, the time/questing stuff is in, but I don’t think any of the catch up gear is in yet?

I have every class at 50, on both factions, but a ton of those characters are just level 50 with really crappy gear, was hoping to gear some of them out before SLs hits. Anyone else playing this again?

I don’t think there is any new content yet besides the new 1-50 class changes, stat squish and leveling setup.

Pre-patch events begin on Nov 10, which should include the catch up gear.

Ah great thanks!

@Ultrazen having done this a couple of times myself, its not terrible to gear up. Do your necklace quest and cloak quests, and some world quests you can cherry pick to get from the 50’s you prolly are in now up to about 85-90 fairly quickly.

Plus in a week the pre-patch hits with some catch up gear. I don’t know the full details on the catch up stuff.

Catch up gear from the pre patch is ilevel 100 I think. Whatever the old 445 translates to.

If you have characters that have opened up Nazjatar (sic?) they can buy level 66 gear for your other characters using the Nazj currency. And if you do those Nyalotha events in Uldum and Vale of eternal blossoms, level 76 BoA gear drops (restricted by armor type).

This can give your characters a boost to get better WQ gear and make the latest content easier.

Lord help me, I’ve possibly gotten sucked into this again. I have seen a few YouTube videos pop up recently describing how Blizzard has revamped the leveling process and how you can now level from 1 to 50 (the new Pre-Shadowlands level cap) in 16 hours. Well, I guess if you are a YouTuber and familiar with what you’re doing. However, the point was leveling has been really, uh, streamlined.

Aside from a brief fling with classic I haven’t played in probably seven or eight years so I thought I would give it a shot. Leveling is a lot faster. The newbie island goes by really quickly, the first time it took me 90 minutes, and I did it again without reading anything but just blitzing from quest location to quest location and it took an hour. I played a bit yesterday, the biggest morning, and I am now level 20 after five hours total. So 16 (or let’s say 20 to 25) hours to hit level cap seems pretty realistic so far, especially considering I am adventuring in an area I have never seen before (BFA) and I have spent my fair share of time running around trying to find exactly where some specific bad guys are located in the city (I hate vertically in games because icons on the mini map don’t show you if you are above and below… Well they don’t do that here x Guild Wars does a good job of this!).

The new “Chromie time” mechanic seems like it would make the leveling process even easier since you can revisit expansions that you are particularly fond of, and you will know exactly where to go to power thru your quests.

The Shadowlands pre-patch activities have started and I understand there are opportunities to upgrade gear before Shadowlands drops. So I guess if I get done leveling a character I can always do that. I’m not yet committed to buying the expansion though.

Anyway, the whole process is quite familiar and so it’s easy to drop back into the rhythm of questing and upgrading gear sort of on auto pilot. Which is nice, to have that familiar feeling. I’m not sure I have the endurance or interest to run five main dungeons or raids once I get to the level cap so it’s unclear how long I will be trying this out, but if nothing else it’s a good sort of time filler for a dreary weekend.

This is mostly me as well (although I did play a bit of the previous expansion where the druid tree is destroyed).

How does the rapid leveling affect questing? Aside from the old-school PVP zones (AV, WSG, etc.) questing was perhaps my favorite part of WoW back in the days when I played it a ton – partly because it’s generally a solo activity, and many of the stories are compelling.

It doesn’t?

The whole point is that everything scales. But doing just one zone will likely bring your level up to 30 or more. So you can revisit just 1/3 of an expansion content before getting to level 50 and being booted out of the scaling automatically.

The only option available is to disable xp gain through a NPC, at level 49. That’s the only way to stay within the level scaling system.

Outside of that, I’ve been playing a mage in Draenor and the difficulty seems set okay-ish. Either I’m doing something wrong or the mage has very low survivability. That means I ended up dying quite a bit in tight spots. But that’s good. It’s not as brainless as it was.