World of Warships

Yep, if you aren’t in RU, you don’t really count for Wargaming.

This has been my impression too.

Updates are frequently delayed a long time for the NA version. Patches only have patch notes half the time. There are few if any events and the ones they have are worse. Ships are more expensive. Developer contact (either or both ways) is minimal.

From what i saw, EU is a lot better than NA. NA is basically the red headed step child locked in the basement.

I suspect it’s about numbers, though. NA doesn’t generate the user base that RU or EU does, hence, we get less attention. That’s my impression at least. I don’t know the real numbers.

Probably, but it is kind of a self fulfilling prophecy with these online games.

If you’re on the version of a game that is way behind the main version and isn’t supported very much, it doesn’t really encourage you to stay, much less spend money.

Why does the NA version lag behind the others? I don’t mean from a business decision perspective, I mean from a technical one. Is the game in NA substantially different than that in EU/RU or something?

I think it’s partially a perception issue, and partially the timing of patches and enhancements. A lot of new stuff, fixes, and adjustments debut on RU or EU before coming to NA. On the one hand, you can see that as them doing our beta testing I guess, but many NA players feel they’re always getting stuff second. And there are different deals on premium, currency, and new vehicles that don’t always make it over here, or make it here in different formats. So there’s a perception that NA is getting the cold shoulder.

I think it’s mostly just resources vs. revenue, and general performance issues with Wargaming overall. I’m pretty convinced they have no interest in deliberately pissing off NA.

In tanks .na used to lag .eu. Not anymore.
In ships, the .na forum is much better, as well as the shop offers, contests etc. .eu feels very much the runt of the litter when it comes to ships.

Having spent some time away from the wg titles (aw, elite, prison architect) makes me appreciate how sweet they look, sound and feel.

Give Wargaming credit, they do have a grasp of the visceral feel of stuff that’s ahead of their competitors. As I noted in the Armored Warfare forum, WoT, for all of its issues, still has a better “feel” than AW.

Presenting Commander Steven Seagal:

This is a thing.

I’d let Steven run the game if he could find a way to make Aircraft Carriers interesting.

Yup. Not fun to play or play against.

It is remarkable how that company has been focused on scaring away people playing the game for the ships (I personnaly threw the towel when commanders became 10 years old girls firing laser-gunned yamatos last year).

That is only a very small subset of ships that basically just had a slightly different skin. It was very uncommon for me to even see one and of course if you aren’t using the ships, you won’t even see the commanders.

I don’t think they even shot laser beams, but i used a a projectile graphics mod to make AP and HE shells more distinct so i’m not certain i would have noticed anyway.

Really if you’re playing the game for the ships and are free with your money, the game is still for you. It is just a VERY expensive game in both money and grinding. I ran the numbers and for me it wasnt worth it anymore. I still love my Warspite though. I suppose they might even have normal british battleships now though.

I looked at the store just now and the SCHARNHORST is the same price as buying Tyranny (game) for full price on steam ($42).

Thanks for the write-up. I guess it is way over my… league.
I had spent about 20$ on it during the beta, but ran away as soon as I received an e-mail forecasting the Animu arrival on shore. I didn’t know it was supposed to be minor and toggle-able: if this proves anything, it is that their marketing’s issues didn’t begin with the video Telefrog shared.

The premium ship prices are ridiculous.

The in-game ship credit prices are ridiculous.

Actually the prices for everything related to Warships are pretty ridiculous.

Okay World of Warships is pretty ridiculous. I played for a while last month, but it’s just gotten so out of hand in many various fashions.

Two honors in a week!

WoWS is one of the few games I still occasionally spend money on, largely because I like the gameplay still and I get more value out of money I spend there than I do from buying new games I probably won’t play anyhow. But Wargaming do seem to want to make it harder and harder to justify giving them any money. I quit Tanks pretty much a year or so ago because it all got too much, and eventually I’m sure I’ll stop WoWS as well.

I had to scroll back a way to find this!

Good news : World of Warships is now available on Steam!

Bad news : You can’t port (hah!) your WG account over!

So you can keep your WG account and keep playing through the launcher and not lose any ships or Captains, but if you want a steam account you’ll need to start back at level 1 again.

If you know how to use armoured piercing rounds and take the British tier I Cruiser into a battle with all these new Steam captains then it has the potential to all go a bit marvelously wrong.

that is evil. love it 😈

still playing daily for my two loot boxes. brit bbs are yummy and its always fun driving IJN Yamato and the Kamikaze dd.

I finally hopped into this when it showed up on Steam. For some reason, I’m pretty good at this game already. And the ship presentations themselves are just naval-grog hardcore DVDA pr0n.

But I wonder what it would be like to play a scenario where everybody on your side acted like a real fleet; i.e. stayed in formation and acted according to lead ship’s orders. It would be amusing to see a line of ships just pound the crap out of a bunch of randomly-charging pubs.