Worms W.M.D. - The Last Worms Game You'll Ever Need?

That was a really entertaining video by the way Scott, thanks for sharing!

Let me preface this by saying this isn’t a complaint!

I was surprised by the $30 price point. I haven’t played Worms in ages, going back to the first couple games in the series, but my memory makes this seems more like a $5-$10 casual game to have fun with here and there. Like I said, I’m not complaining about the price, I’m just curious if there are things I’m missing since Ye Olden Days.

I recall buying Armageddon for like $25 or $30 at EB Games many an eon ago, at the very least. I dunno if they were ever big-box $50 titles (and I just got it at a reduced price eventually; as I recall, my copy was just a jewel case), but they definitely weren’t just, like, bargain-basement titles.

And between all the various maps, modes, and multiplayer options, I found WA to be totally worth what I paid. I dunno that I ever need to buy another Worms game at full-price–I don’t know that any of them add enough to the formula to be a new enough experience–but I enjoyed that one quite a bit!

I really wish this had asynchronous play. I don’t think I can get 6 friends together online to play this anymore like we did back in W:A days.

Booo! I really wanted async as well.

This is damn good Worms. The return back to 2D is welcome. The frippery nonsense of water physics and character classes is gone which I know is disappointing to Clan Wars fans, but I say it’s a good thing.

I don’t know if I’m jazzed about the vehicles yet. So far it seems the winner is determined by who gets to the tank first. The helicopter is twitchy and intentionally difficult to control, which is a good balance decision. The mech is easier to move, but the slam attack is kind of wimpy. The tank is an all-around crusher. Easy to pilot, devastating attack.

I like the crafting element quite a bit. It’s genius to allow you to craft during your opponent’s turn.

Thumbs up, I think. Unfortunately, I believe Team17 burned a lot of bridges over the decades with Worms, so I’m unsure of how popular this will be.

That’s good to hear Telefrog. Thanks for the insight.

Team17 is going public. Supposedly the market cap will be around GBP 200m.

Now they just have to figure out how to get MTX loot boxes into the next Worms.

You have to get ammo for those weapons from somewhere.

[Tries to think of more AAA gaming cliche’s that could find their way into the next Worms game. Taco Bell cross-promotion, anyone?]

Horse Worm armor? Double Awesome Backer Pre-Pre-Likebeforetime-Order Edition WITH a cloth map, a work desk bobblehead and THE digital soundtrack.

Battle Royale mode, obviously.

100 players, each controlling 1 worm, real time.