WoW: The Wrath of Fishing Poles

Well it sounds better on paper than it is in practice. I am glad its working out for your duo, but it doesnt cut it for full groups in what used to be level appropriate instances, unless the pulls are meticulously scripted and the DPS classes play at about half speed.

The only way to keep aggro now is to spend Rage on stuff like Sunder Armor and Demoralizing Shout. The problem is that Rage does not accumulate fast enough to keep aggro unless you have 3+ mobs beating on you.

The old way was much better, despite having to spam the key over and over again. It actually added a fixed amount of hate/threat. The new taunt just puts the Warrior at the top of the hate list, just barely ahead of whoever was previously the focus of the mob’s attention. The problem with that is that its a 10 second cool down. So, unless whoever it was that pulled aggro off the tank chills out ASAP, or the warrior has some rage to burn and does so, effectively generating real hate, the mob will go right back on him/her.


Might want to watch it, people have gotten fired recently for what they post here.

Sounds like they were trying to avoid EQ-itis where, as long as you had a warrior and enough healers to keep him propped up, everything became trivial to kill. Too bad they didn’t manage to hit some middle ground.[/quote]

Just to comment on this, EQ itself fixed this. There are a lot of encounters that do not rely on a warrior being chain healed, or where chain healing just doesn’t work. Coirnav the Avatar of Water is by far the most fun I’ve ever had in any game ever. 15 minutes of fun.

Might want to watch it, people have gotten fired recently for what they post here.[/quote]
Ugh that sucks.


Might want to watch it, people have gotten fired recently for what they post here.[/quote]
? Am I missing something?

See this thread.