WoW Tier3 - Requires Materials

With speculators, those prices are definitely going to go up.

And 1000g is still nothing to sneeze at. An epic mount is not cheap.

What’s not to like about this system?

I’d rather transmute 20 arcanite bars and be guaranteed to get my set within a reasonable amount of time than watch ANOTHER piece of plagueheart get disenchanted while waiting for Dreadnaught Legs, or whatever.

The worst thing about raid itemization is the random loot tables.

Any move away from random bullshit is a good one.

The problem with the system is that you need both a boss drop and additional materials. Token systems are better than random drops, I agree, but requiring tokens as well as expensive materials isn’t much of an improvement. The repair bill associated with learning a new instance is bad enough, but to throw an additional cost on top of the items that drop before they’re usuable is so asinine I’m forced to wonder if Blizzard received a sponsorship deal from IGE.

Been to Silithus lately?

It’s nothing like it used to be before the Battlegrounds came out. I remember on release there was a nightly WAR between Southshore and Tauren Mill that would lag the server to high hell. Regardless, that was a terrific, chaotic example of pvp where you had champions on each side (the rare level 60 with awesome gear), flanks being attacked, and the ebb and flow of a front line.

I really miss those days. Before I left, pvp on my server (Gorefiend) had been relegated to ganking in certain hot zones like Silithus or Stranglethorn. It’s really sad to see.

No, not at all. But 1000g (for the whole set) is a pretty appropriate price to pay for the target audience. We’re talking guys who have been 60 for awhile, and have their Tier 2 gear already.

That, and level 70 raiders after the expansion hits.

It’s good to see Blizzard pulling some value back out of the economy like this.

The potential problem, yes. What remains to be seen is how hard it is to get the component boss drops. We don’t know how rare they are, how hard to come by. It looks, from the link anyway, that all the sets require “desecrated …” as their component armor. If that’s the case, then you’re not waiting for different class drops. Bosses may always drop “desecrated …” or even sub-bosses, and if all the classes use them to build their sets, they’re not going to be rare at all. Hell, are the desecrated armors even bind on pickup? If they’re BOE or something they’ll be tradeable, so not that hard to come by at all.

Pre-BG PVP in Hillsbrad was a disaster. I certainly don’t miss those laggy, uncoordinated battles. If you want large-scale “front line war” PvP you can still find plenty of it in Alterac Valley, or in Silithus. At least you can on my realm.

They are not BOP, so expect to find them on the AH.

No, not at all. But 1000g (for the whole set) is a pretty appropriate price to pay for the target audience. We’re talking guys who have been 60 for awhile, and have their Tier 2 gear already.

I’ve been 60 for over a year and have full Tier 2. I think you’re vastly over-estimating the amount of gold raiders have. Repair bills in new instances (like Naxx will be) more than eat any gold you get from boss kills. When you consider that most active raiders spend 4-5 hours each night raiding, that doesn’t leave much time for farming. I have far less gold now than I did when I was level 59.

Not to mention that I’m going to need a full set of Frost Resist gear for Naxx in addition to having to buy the items needed for my Tier 3 set. Want a pair of Frost Resist gloves? That’ll be 200g and another 100g worth of mats.

The potential problem, yes. What remains to be seen is how hard it is to get the component boss drops. We don’t know how rare they are, how hard to come by. It looks, from the link anyway, that all the sets require “desecrated …” as their component armor. If that’s the case, then you’re not waiting for different class drops. Bosses may always drop “desecrated …” or even sub-bosses, and if all the classes use them to build their sets, they’re not going to be rare at all. Hell, are the desecrated armors even bind on pickup? If they’re BOE or something they’ll be tradeable, so not that hard to come by at all.

On the test server, each boss in Naxx drops two desecrated items. So Patchwerk (the first boss in the Abomination Wing) might give you a Desecrated drop that can be converted into the rogue/warrior boots and another Desecrated drop that can be converted to the mage/lock/priest boots. They don’t drop from trash mobs, and yes, they are BoP. It’s more or less the same system used for the AQ40 sets, except Tier 3 has material requirements to get your item instead of reputation and scarabs/idols.

Your guild should set up a system to help you get what you need. I think ours is doing something like that for Naxx attunement, legendaries, etc.

Indeed I have.

… hated the place after a endlessly long AQ-Opening Marathon from 07-17:00
But its on the way to AQ40/AQ20 so I kinda have to HS there.

Great, so the armors are and are not BOP.

I liked the idea of the old Hillsbrad wars, though I was playing carebear at the time so had the luxury of not joining them if I didn’t want to. But the lag was too much generally.

Do a farming run in MC and sell BoE epics on AH for 300-500g each and disenchant BoP epics for nexus crystals.

Going back to my earlier calculations:
20 Arcanite Bars x 34g = 680g
15 Rugged Hides x 16s = 2g 40s
7 Nexus Crystals x 46g = 322g

I’ll probably get the nexuses from the guild bank and we’re currently organizing guild mains and alts that can transmute etc. so that we don’t have to by more than absolutely necessary from AH. This should at least reduce my cost to half. That’s 500g for 9 Tier 3 pieces or 56 g each. Assuming I get a new piece every two weeks, I’ll need to farm 28 g each week. => No problem.

Don’t forget to factor in your repair costs for learning and running the instances on a regular basis. And we all know what repair costs can skyrocket to if an encounter is a real pain in the ass to learn.

The desecrated items are most definetely BoP.

Sorry, I misunderstood. Obviously the items themselves are BOP, just like all tier-set epics.

The wartorn chain scraps are not BOP, which for some reason is what I thought the original poster meant. All the farmable “support” items for the tier pieces are not BOP, so you’ll have the option of buying them rather than having to farm for them.


The difference is that now the BoP drop is somewhat multi-class, and in return for reducing the chance of having a worthless (ie class item that all members of raid already have) drop, you have to farm for items to turn it into an actual useable piece of eq. That about right?

Yes, that about sums it up.

This is already how it works with some of the high-end epic drops in AQ. Do try to keep up.