Wrath: Aeon of Ruin - 3DRealms and 1C doing Quake

Well, if we won’t survive, how will they get our money?

Quite a few Arcane Dimension modders and Thief 1 fan mappers working on this. It’s going to be very good!

Hey, it could be worse…


Yeah, but even as Romero’s bitch I could, conceivably, pay for a game! Probably be forced to, even!

Laugh if you will, but… you know… going back to these old engines is kinda one of those cool “what would I have done if I’d known then, what I know now” scenarios

And the constant chase for the next shiny 3d technology put these old engines to bed long before we figured out all of their really nifty tricks

Sounds fun to me, especially if the system requirements are commensurate with the engine’s age.

That’s a really good point. There’s definite value in having passionate enthusiasts applying their skills to game engines that have been supported and studied for decades. It’s cool to see people getting wider recognition for those efforts, too.


I hope I enjoy it more than Dusk. Wishlisted.

It looks tolerable. I’ll still never understand why people are nostalgic for early 3D engines. It’s widely agreed to be a low point in visual tech, and now we’re putting it on a pedestal. I enjoyed Quake at the time. I can’t say I want to go back.

I get that people like different things but this is a weird one.

I’m one of those weird people!
I love the old 3D FPS engines. Doom, Quake etc.
None of the modern engines capture that same feeling of speed and crunchiness of combat. I’ll happily give this new one a whirl but it’s tough to recapture the magic.

Well, it less nostalgia for the early 3d engines and more wanting that type of gameplay. I’m happy with both Amid Evil (UE4) and this one (Q1).

In this particular use, they are using an old engine because the devs come from the Q1 modding scene, so it’s the tool they know.

The other reason to use retro graphics is that it needs much less development work, which is crucial for small indie teams.

Oh I love Doom’s 2.5D or whatever, but I have no desire to play money to play a Quake game again.

@TurinTur wanting the gameplay from that era makes sense.

I care less about the engine and am more excited for the what leaning into that era’s asthetics means. This is like the early days of pixel art where it provides an avenue to dramatically drop the cost to make a game while forcing developers to make sure the actual gameplay is top notch.

Pixel art is a ton of work to produce, though. Low-resolution textures on low-polygon meshes aren’t. 2D games age great, but I find early 3D games to be unplayable beyond the nostalgia (wow, I don’t remember it looking this bad!) factor.

Part of the attraction for me, beyond just the pure nostalgia of the gameplay, is seeing that old tech used in crazy new ways. Specifically in ways that weren’t possible on old 486/Pentium PCs, or thanks to the decades of modders sharing cool tricks.

Ion Maiden, for example, does things in its early access levels that would’ve killed my Duke Nukem 3D computer.

Edit: Behold

It clearly isn’t the original Quake engine, as it has colored lighting (Q2) and rounded surfaces (Q3).

I don’t see any reason why a 2000-era computer capable of running Quake 3 couldn’t handle that game no problem.

Well, it’s the Q1 engine with some modifications done by them, it’s open source.