WTC: What's This Crap?

Tom opened the door to be met by Simpilot’s sweetest smile and the crisp air of morning. The scent of rain-damp spanish moss filled the air.
“Hi, Tom,” Simpilot’s lips spread wider. He wore new heels. His legs were shaven. The rising sun turned his hair into a crown of gold. “I’m sorry about your beret and for making that scene. You’re the definition of pathetic, but can’t we be friends? Also, I’m pregnant.”

There’s really not enough qt3 slash fan fiction.

What does the term “slash” mean? Does it denote excessively violent fanfic?

I’m sure Matthew Gallant will post something to answer your question. Be ready!

Oh yes there is. That one post by Rob? More than enough right there.

No, it’s sexual stories about fictional characters that never hook up in their original context. Kirk/Spock, Buffy/Giles, Robocop/Terminator, Goku/SailorMoon, etc. It’s insanely popular, not to mention just plain insane. “Slash” comes from the “/” between the character names.

Thank you Dave :)

If there’s one thing Wikipedia is going to cover well…

Actually it’s more specifically about getting male characters together with each other, otherwise it just passes as plain old fanfic. This leads of course to the word construction FemSlash (guess), which in some communities, like the Xena fanfic community, was called altfic (alternative, despite taking up the vast majority of text production).

I learn something I never, ever needed to know every day.

That’s the old school definition. If you check the wiki article, there’s controversy in the slashfic community (bogglement that such a thing even exists) over whether m/f slashfic is legit. Frankly, I don’t care. I’m happy to lump it all into one big category of suck.

I can only imagine the battle that must rage.

I’m picturing chunky pale women throwing their many cats at one another.

Edit: HOT!

Oh, I don’t believe in reading.

You obviously don’t know how fandoms work.

I treasure my ignorance in this area.

Hm. I guess that didn’t come off exactly right. I was envisioning something like what you linked, actually. Though I could never have conceived “perhaps I have a special anus.”

That’s why I wear a disguise, Tom. Or should I say, Mr. “Hey, You pour the whole can of beer into that cup, Missy! Five bucks is five bucks! Say, you ever watch The West Wing?

Man, a double ellipses with change, quite the dramatic pause. Anyway, what you did, precisely, was flame out like a screeching puss, swearing NAY VOWING to henceforth NEVAH RETUHN to this troglodyte-ridden scumhole and (one must assume) passively kowtow to the heathenous tyranny of a one Thomas Alouicious Chick in the process, he being the ringleader of said circus of douchebaggery (3 rings, all brown).

…only to meekly return 3 weeks later like nothing happened. But, you know, this being the internet and all, SOMEONE ALWAYS FUCKING REMEMBERS. They should put that on a sign as you enter, y’know?

Oh, and you drive a Hummer. How small is your penis, anyway?

Didn’t you promise to retire the BDR name like a year ago or something?

No, Toutsuite, I didn’t.