WTC: What's This Crap?

Another Rescue Me fan, I see!

Very nice. Original?

National Treasure = $$$ = Nick Cage being around and making movies for a long long time.

WTC will enhance his profile because he’s playing a hero during 9/11. It’ll be somewhat critic proof too. High profile critics will softshoe around the flaws.

“The script could have been better given the weighty subject matter.”

“Nick Cage is a little wooden as the main character, but it’s a heroically stoic wooden.”

He survived that Mandolin movie and Windtalkers. Ghost Rider is going to bring him down? Please.

Which reminds me, I need to start watching season 2. Is that shit over yet?

I couldn’t believe it when I got the email. Typical Tom, dredging up old stuff just to be sensationalistic. What’s wrong Tom? Personal stock getting a little low so you needed to hear from the fanboys again? You really are the definition of pathetic, you know that right? Because I felt differently about a movie than you did, you took it personal and then I responded in kind. Do you realize that there are completly valid points of view apart from your own? You seem to take it personally when anyone disgrees with you about any topic.

But you know what, I’m willing to forget the past few weeks at a few people’s urging. I’m willing to agree to disagree. I see the passengers of Flight 93 as nothing less than heroes, and you want to see them as something else. No problem, that’s your perogative. The really sad thing is I bet if we met in person, within 5 minutes we’d be hoisting up a cold one.

So, friendly truce?

Short version: “You are the definition of pathetic! Let’s be friends!”

As an outside observer. I’m wondering whether coming back to insult someone after you publicly declare not posting on the board ever again, is somewhat petty and small.

The classy thing would have been to ignore the email and move on with life, no?

But you know what, I’m willing to forget the past few weeks at a few people’s urging. I’m willing to agree to disagree. I see the passengers of Flight 93 as nothing less than heroes, and you want to see them as something else. No problem, that’s your perogative. The really sad thing is I bet if we met in person, within 5 minutes we’d be hoisting up a cold one.

So, friendly truce?

Oh, very big of you. Nevermind then.

You promised to go. You’re back. Guess your word means nothing to you.

Let’s see, that’s…22 days. Who had 22 days in the pool?

What kind of person thinks they get to write ‘…you’re pathetic, blah, blah, blah’ and then ‘So, friendly truce?’…

Shake your head, Simpilot, something’s come loose I think.

Welcome back Simpilot. Don’t worry too much about all that stuff said in the heat of the moment.

DrC is back, Met K is back. It’s a wonderful time.

Original, but in particular case too clever by 100%.

You see what I’m saying? Win-win!

I had the Tuesday after he left, but I’ll take 22 days from now for when he stomps off crying again.

Classy as always. Now I keep forgetting, what was it exactly I did to you…?

Maybe Bill is a muslim.

Not sure that BillD had to be on the receiving end of anything you did to be able to comment on you or about you.

I mostly stayed out of the United 93 thread, but here I am welcoming you back.

You did nothing to me (directly).

Obviously you can’t restrict the group of those able to chat about you.

For what it’s worth, I’m hoping that your return doesn’t mean that every post from you is an attempt to square off against against a former “foe”. It’s happening now (not necessarily you btw) and while it makes for interesting reading it’s just the past repeating itself and the past cannot be changed regardless of what happens in the present and future. [/Neville Chamberlain]

That had me laughing.

If Bill Dungsroman was on an airplane, I would not get on that airplane without thinking twice. I might even alert the authorities. Does that make me a racist?


On its own, probably not, but this also sounds suspiciously like future time orientation. Consider me enraged.