Xbox Series X - The next Xbox that's boxy but sexy xXx

2 minutes! Get ready

No links posting yetā€¦

Amazon and MS, the two largest Cloud Computing providers on the planet.

Nothing but error pages.

Nothing has posted or updatedā€¦ still offlineā€¦

Amazon link above is dead.

The pre-order button is up on Microsoft, but it leads to service errors.

Best Buy is still not updated

Iā€™ve halfway through the order process on MS and it errors out.

I have one in my cart at Walmart but I wanted the all access but donā€™t see it. Doesnā€™t really matter though so I should probably pull the trigger.

I had one in my cart ready to check out and Walmart says itā€™s out of stock already. Fucking bots.

Try it again. Walmart told me out of stock the first time, I just tried checking out again and then it went through.

I got mine through Microsoft Store- receipt in email! I was also refreshing the Amazon store, but Iā€™m still not even seeing a buy link on there- no way to even put in in the cart.

Yeah, MS store came through for me first, said preorder is complete. Hereā€™s hoping.

edit: OK, got confirmation email, think Iā€™m good.

Got nothing yet, OOS everywhere

MS page is stuck, or crashes. Trying to preorder either one.

I did have a brief moment of panic, when the 4 listed addresses MS had for me in their system were all old. I was convinced adding a new one was going to take too much time and itā€™d crash out, but it came through.

Xbox S standalone preorder ā€œcannot be foundā€ on MSā€™s page.

Best Buy still doesnā€™t seem up

Iā€™m not getting anywhere with MS.

Has Amazon even put it up yet?
Their page keeps erroring out, but when it comes back thereā€™s still no preorder.

Walmart is OOS

15 minutes of nothinā€™.