Xbox Series X - The next Xbox that's boxy but sexy xXx

The linked page is just a splash info page. I just did a search and it doesn’t even come up in Amazon’s catalog. I did see something earlier that said maybe Amazon doesn’t go live until 9am? I figured it might have been elsewhere in the world, but now I’m seeing this…

Likewise. Was aiming for Best Buy first to get the reward points, but the buy button never went live for me there or on Amazon. Had one in the cart on Target but it failed and removed it when I went to checkout. Surprisingly, Gamestop was the only place that was smart enough to build a queue system – it told me I was in line and not to refresh the browser, and in a few minutes it did indeed let me in and put one in the cart.

But by that time I was already checking out at MS store, so I let it go. MS seemed to go live a couple minutes after the others, but once I checked back and it was live, I was able to add to cart and purchase without any snags.

All my MS links just crash when i try to load them

Yeah, me too.

So this is going to be the year where you play what you get, not what you want!

I’m out, I don’t have the patience for this crap. I’ll get one late.

I think Amazon just posted the XSX page, but it’s down.

still crashes on me

Best Buy something changed… i think they’re updating it


so I got one in my cart at target and then it crashed and disappeared. Everybody else is crashing as well for me.


Really disappointed by Amazon, I would have thought they would have done the best — probably have the highest server capacity if nothing else.

Walmart actually seemed to have the best interface, with a timer and everything. I got one in my cart there, but preferred Amazon, and by the time I gave up on Amazon, Walmart said “Out of Stock”.

You know what if these major retailers, including Amazon, can’t even handle a console pre-order, maybe voting online is not in our immediate future?

Same. I kept refreshing Amazon because… reasons I guess, and Walmart sold out in the 5 minutes I spent agonizing over giving Walmart money.

Again, I had it in my cart at Walmart, and when I hit confirm in my cart, it said out of stock, but then it was still in my cart, so I said confirm again, and it went through. So if it’s still in your cart at Walmart, maybe it’s worth trying again.

Yeah me too. I’m still hoping maybe Best Buy’s show up. I’ve not seen anything there yet it just says coming soon. Who knows maybe they already sold out too. I had to switch from Chrome to Edge to see the the Preorder option on MS but still just get Service unavailable.

And by the time I got through Gamestop’s checkout process, they sold out too.

Fuck it. I’ll get it later.

Thankfully I have a PC and there’s really not much on either console that are “must haves” for me in the release window. If I can’t get one now then no biggie.

I’m surprised Amazon hasn’t even managed to get a functional order page up, though, 30 minutes after everyone else started selling out.

Neither Amazon or Best Buy appear to have gone live yet. I can get the page to load, just no buy button. BB still says coming soon for me.