ye compendium of open books as UI devices in games

not books that you just read like books (Skyrim), but books that fill your screen and that you interact with to accomplish things beyond “reading a book”

Trials of Fire:

Hand of Merlin:

Pathfinder Kingmaker:

Didn’t include the Great Book of Grudges - that’s a Grudgin’

Fantastic! Yes, all please add to the compendium!

The Forest includes everything, from tutorials to quest info to crafting, in a handheld notebook.

Pretty run-of-the-mill version, but the first thing I thought of was Townsmen:

Has anyone mentioned Populous?


I haven’t played it, but dies Tunic count here?

Fun thread idea! Right now I’m in the middle of Radiant Historia, whose central plot device is the White Chronicle, a book that allows its wielder to travel to past and alternate timelines.


A notebook is a book!

How was this not the first screenshot!



One of my favorites.

Can’t do well without the Rules and Regs in Papers, Please.


King’s Bounty has a pretty fancy one.

Two books, both from games about being a wizard:

The entirety of Soul Sacrifice is a re-telling (literally) of events from a magic talking book, and so all cutscenes and menus are represented as pages or scraps as you flip through the book.

The first Ni No Kuni had a great bit of worldbuilding with the Wizard’s Companion, a book the protagonist gets that you can peruse at your leisure through what appears to be an in-game PDF viewer. It contains much of the fairly critical information you’d normally keep as a set of menu options, like the bestiary and spell details, requiring you to do your due diligence as an apprentice magician and study the relevant literature as you progress.

The last one I can remember is Monster Train.

But there have been so many.

Divinity: Original Sin 2:

Is it cheating to cite The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante?

Awesome thread, @justaguy2!

And Kolbex, I think Sir Brante gets a special award for having ALL of its gameplay as a book.

Valkyria Chronicles 1…

… and 4