Young pretentious twatwaffle builds wooden ugly steampunk computer

+1 DrCrypt! That linked computer is the winner!
Round typewriter keys…check!
Analog voltmeter…check!
Old-timey accordian camera…check!
Sewing machine-like rotary crank…check!

What was her name again? Lindsay Ellis or something? She quit YouTube, I gather.

Indeed. Lindsay Ellis. Basically stopped social mediaing for her mental health, and life balance reasons.

Shame. I really enjoyed her videos, they were thoughtful and entertaining.

She’s a novelist now.

I had just discovered her a few months ago. Watched a bunch of her videos and got a kick out of them, so I hit the subscribe button, only to then find out she wasn’t doing it anymore. I saw somewhere that she still makes videos on some pay channel, but I forget which one.


Seems a bit harsh.


I thought “young” would have disqualified anyone on QT3

I’m young at heart, damn you.