Your Daily McMaster: a star to steer her by

Title Your Daily McMaster: a star to steer her by
Author Jason McMaster
Posted in Features
When November 5, 2013

The skies are dark and menacing. It's the type of storm you can feel well before it reaches you. With the salty, sea air stinging my body and whipping my cloak about me, I turn the wheel and head into the storm..

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Just now got to the point that I took command, shall we say, of the Jackdaw. I am looking forward to some serious maritime hijinks. Er, adventures.

Very evocative!

By the way, it's cannon. Canon is the accepted truth about something.

Perhaps a shennanigan or two.


Also, thanks :)

"Our cannon[s] ring out in response"

"Let’s show these Spaniards what we’re made of.” Shakespeare and Donne, presumably.

Actually, cannon is an accepted plural form of the word as well. So you're both right - let's all shake hands! Now back to your corners.

You're welcome, sir.

Also, you left one canon.

Hey, that cannon is well on its way to sainthood. You'll be sorry you doubted. But the cannon forgives you, I am sure.