Your Daily McMaster: fun cubed

Title Your Daily McMaster: fun cubed
Author Jason McMaster
Posted in Features
When December 10, 2013

I have a certain sickness for indie games. I buy them all the time. I'm in so many alpha and beta tests right now that it's humanly impossible to play them all. Some games stick with me and some games don't. My latest purchase has completely captured my imagination..

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I think this is a good part of the genius of Minecraft and, to some degree or another, all procedurally generated games: They make true exploration possible. A lot of games that claim to be about exploration of a world--whether it's Skyrim or Uncharted or whathaveyou--are really about exploring a designer's intent. Procedural worlds (well-done ones) take you to a place that *no one has ever seen before*. For me, that cave in Minecraft that is nothing more than some blocks removed by a math equation from within the mass of blocks that make up that world--that cave is endlessly fascinating to discover because it's wholly unique. It's more *real* than any cave in Skyrim because, quite simply, we encounter it like we encounter nature in the wild, not like some designer imagined it to be for us.

Well said!

I bought Cubeworld as soon as it was available, played it through one patch for maybe 6-8 hours in total and haven't gone back. It got kinda samey very quickly.

Was there a new patch to bring it to your attention, Jason? The dev has been mighty quiet for the past few months, but I'm still optimistic there WILL be a next patch and it'll be the one that makes me want to keep playing. Kinda how I feel about Starbound as well. But they're both Alphas/Betas.

I found the graphics a bit blocky.

Here's how my first game went: zoned into an ogre beating the crap out of me. Died. Then a gopher beat the crap out of me. Ran from gopher. Then got into a dust up with a turtle. Barely managed to kill the turtle ; )

Uh yeah, it's kind of brutal at level one

Well, it was more of a promise than anything. I think they're working on new zones and stuff, though. There was an update to the site a few days ago, but nothing for client yet.
The Mrs. and I are playing it co-op so that does add some fun

I took the article as a wake-up to see what they're up to and there was some encouraging news coming out of the CubeWorldForum.

I love it that even little creatures wanted to destroy me. I even saw a dual wielding goblin fighting a green glowing lion. Intrigued!

that was funny