Your Daily McMaster: Pathfinder paladin Seelah always slays her dragon

Title Your Daily McMaster: Pathfinder paladin Seelah always slays her dragon
Author Jason McMaster
Posted in Features
When October 15, 2013

The rest of my party fought the beast in the Thassilonian Dungeon while I wasn't there. Our ranger, Harsk, fired a few bolts into it as it flew away. After the excitement died down, we began our search anew..

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Is this game worth it at all if I were to play it solo? I'm thinking no, but I'd love other opinions.

It's absolutely viable as a solo game. I enjoy it more with other people, and that brings a whole new dynamic to the game given everyone's investment in his character. But you can still play it as a party-based RPG in which you control all the characters.

Thanks, Tom. I'm thinking about checking at my local game store to see if they have it in stock.

Yes. It is completely workable solo. The mechanics scale well as additional characters are added and it is easy to play two characters yourself. Totally worth it.

Thanks. I'm definitely going to try it -- my totally cool local gamestore was out of the base game, but they should have more copies later this week. While I was there, though, I did get the Rise of the Runelords add-on. I'm looking forward to playing.

You can order it on! We even get a commission when you order it from one of our links or our search box.

But however you get it, let us know what you think. I've got a party of three characters going a solo game.

I went ahead and preordered the next card set from your link. I do like to support my local game shop when I can, though...:) I only got interested in this game after listening to your excellent 'Deck of cards' podcast, so you should probably get a commission. The store owner did say that the game is selling very well, as is the add-on deck.

It's pretty hard to find it in a local shop for me so I had to order as well. Great game!