Your Daily McMaster: why I cancelled my PS4 pre-order

I had no idea Knack was a full game! No one seems to like that game...

I miss the days of trading at GameStop but I haven't stepped foot in one for years now and plan to keep it that way.

No, definitely. In fact, Mario 64 is the only example of a launch game selling me on a console. Mario 64 was proper 'next-gen'. Plus it was dead generous and huge so it didn't matter if it was your only game.

Well, enjoy your New Year's Resolution. (720p)

Makes much less difference than people say, at least to me, on average. I'd much rather play games I want to play at a lower resolution than games I don't like at 1080

What a great game it was! The days of Mario 64 are gone, sadly. Now we usually just get some lame Wii Sports rip off

Saying "don't like" isn't fair as I haven't played any PS4 titles. Historically, though, not as much into Killzone and everything else looks.... hm

Well, sure. I was just being flippant. I'm indulging my vendetta against Microsoft and the Xbox One re: consumer-unfriendly shenanigans. They're getting a £429.99 slap on the wrist from me.

It was a bit goofy how they handled the entire thing.

Dead Rising 2 was good....but 500 dollars? I'd say it was average or a little below. Maybe worth $30. I don't get into race games....but Forza must be pretty amazing!

I hear you, Gamestop gets a lot of well-deserved flack but if you work their system (and don't expect to get $60 credit for your copy of Assassin's Creed II because that's what you paid for it) you can come out ahead. Taking advantage of tiered trades, having their stupid card, taking things in when they do stuff like triple credit...I literally financed my entire PS4 purchase, a 3DSXL, Fire Emblem, and Super Mario 3D World with some old games I had laying around unplayed, a couple of accessories, an old 360, and a Wii U that I subsequently replaced through a board game trade.
But yeah, I hate going into the stores...there's an aura of desperation and hopelessness that is quite creepy.

And yet, if one waited, the console would have been cheaper, the game cheaper, and there would have been (in the case of the N64, a few) other worthwhile games available as well. The same holds true now, with the additional specter of those early adopter consoles proving to have the sort of technical issues that launch 360s did. Launch lineups tending to be at best mediocre and forgotten a year or two down the line certainly doesn't help make the case for a launch purchase, but it's not the primary reason it's a bad investment.

I Just cancelled my ps4 pre order just now and boy was it a very hard decision. I was sitting on the fence until now but kinda agree with this article, the launch lineup is pretty weak. That being said its all down to opinion and Forza, Dead Rising 3, Ryse and the whole TV integration just made it easier to cancel. Which ever one you get enjoy!

Well, I wouldn't say the Wii U by far. Only Super Mario 3D world looks exciting. Bar that, there is a remake of a 7 year old game, Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101. I wouldn't exactly go out on the street and buy one straight away. Right now, I'd say the PS3/360/Wii are still the best choice until next year.

I actually wanted to walk into a shop and just buy but found that I have to pre-order it. I said stuff that, I'll wait till the next batch which are less faulty and when there are actually good games for it like The Evil Within or perhaps The Last Guardian or something that is actually a AAA title or close to it, and not the usual shite of shite sports titles and racers (yawn).