Your Daily McMaster: why I cancelled my PS4 pre-order

Title Your Daily McMaster: why I cancelled my PS4 pre-order
Author Jason McMaster
Posted in Features
When November 12, 2013

It was not easy for me. I hovered over the Amazon "cancel order" button for quite some time before forcing my finger down upon the left mouse button. I love gadgets and I love technology, but I couldn't make myself buy a PS4. After the jump, launch woes..

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I suppose this sentiment implies that you "500 dollars like" Dead Rising and/or Forza. I admit that I don't see it, and that I'm reluctant to support a console manufacturer that seems so out of touch with what I'm looking for in a video game system (High price, less tech, more sports, etc.). But to each his own.

I will likely pick up an XB1 when and if they remove the Kinect and lower the price point, or if Remedy's latest gets absolutely stellar reviews.

I don't really see any launch lineup in the history of consoles as compelling enough to buy one at launch, but that's me.

"These games don’t really me to the PS4 because, well, I can get them on either system."

"Here we have the meat of the reasons to purchase one console over
another, unless your purchase decision is moral or loyalty based."
Heaven forfend I should stray from the immoral, disloyal path.

To me it seems like neither of these consoles have any interesting exclusives at launch, and like Wiley points out they rarely do. I'll still be getting a ps4 at launch but it's more about the excitement of a new console than the exclusives. As for why I'm going sony I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel there's almost an air of impending awesome to the playstation this time around. I also feel the exact opposite about the new xbox.

Regardless I'm looking forward to seeing how both of these develop over the next year, and I'll probably have to fork over the bucks for the new xbox when titanfall comes around.

Who buys a console for the launch games? Maybe the SNES...

I do 500 dollars like DR3 and Forza!

Mario 64 is the best launch line-up of all time.

I cancelled my PS4 pre-order pretty soon after placing it because there won't be any decent RPGs on it until a year after launch, I'm guessing.

Occasionally there's a good game for a console at launch. That's not at all the same thing as it being worthwhile to buy that console at launch. (And FWIW, I can't get into Mario games at all.)

Launches always suck. Once InFamous: Second Son comes out I'll be on board with the PS4. Sony has always had more exclusives that I want to play than Microsoft has, so long-term they're the company I'd pick. Right now I'm most tempted by the Wii U, because even though I know it will sit unplayed for months at a time, just like my Wii, three of my top five games of the last gen were Wii exclusive.

I would say Halo and Mario 64 are the two finest examples.

Mario 64 greatest launch game ever, good times.

First and foremost, love the Hellboy icon.

I know what you mean. If Second Son had launched with the PS4 it would have been a much tougher decision for me. As it is, Dead Rising 3 and Forza are both games I want and Titanfall is on the way.

I'll get a PS4 for sure, though

Yeah, I'm waiting for InFamous to.

Thanks! Hellboy and its spin-offs are the only comics I read, and it's a great line that makes for a good handle.

How big is InFamous, do you think? Sucker Punch consistently makes good games, but they never seem to get much of a marketing push. Maybe I just don't pay attention.

I've been tempted to cancel my preorder as well, but I financed mind through 9 months of shrewd trading at GameStop...what else would I do with $400 credit? So I'm in, also because the opportunity is now The sad thing is on launch day I'm going to be playing Wind Waker if anything. I may not even open the PS4.

I scalped my Xbox One preorder and took advantage of the Target sale with the profit. I have no shame.

The Wii U is by far the console of Holiday '13. Several great games that you can't play on PC or any other console. For the price of an Cbox One, you can get a Wii U and a 3DSXL and ride out the first fumbling year of next gen with plenty of great titles.

Knack isn't a PSN game, it's a full-fledged retail $60 game. And from the reviews, it sounds like a pretty bad game as well.

Personally, my PC is long in the tooth... so the PS4 for me is playing Black Flag and BF4 in amazing 5.1 comfy couch splendor.

I don't think they do a particularly good job of marketing. I've missed a few of the releases because of no real headway being made via advertising in any form. I'm usually pretty up on game releases but I almost miss each of these.

It's such a stylistically cool game that they SHOULD be putting those images out there.