Your top 3 movies of 2019?

Do you mean Timothee Chalamet? Glynn-Carney’s character dies like five minutes into the movie.

He’s so ubiquitous that I almost find him a bit annoying, but I probably would have felt the same of Hoffman between 1967 and 1974. It’s an apt comparison. He is a major talent who is simultaneously an it-boy/heartthrob (mainly because of Girls) and a serious actor who seeks out major directors to work with (Scorsese, Baumbach, Coens). And Christ almighty is he a hard worker. He even managed to own one of the best SNL sketches of the past few years.

I think he and Oscar Isaac are probably the two most notable male talents of the last decade or so, though Isaac’s star has dimmed maybe a little bit from the glory days of Llewyn Davis, A Most Violent Year, and Ex Machina. Still funny that he and Driver are both not only in the Star Wars movies (to neither’s great credit compared to their other work, IMHO) but in the “Please Mr. Kennedy” song too.


I did! - my mistake.

So I had a baby this past February and so we didn’t get to see many movies this year. My wife and I did sneak out a few times to the theater when the baby spent four months in the NICU, and after he came home we sometimes were able to send one of us grown-ups out for a break. I feel kind of bad that most of the movies I saw this year were big franchise tentpoles, not “grown-up” movies. Nevertheless, I was glad to see what I saw. As more of 2019 film comes available on the different streaming services, I will be happy to add them to my backlog of movies I intend to see someday. But because I did miss so many movies of the year, I don’t feel quite right in making a Top Three Of The Year. Instead:

Inessential Sequels That Seemed To Only Be There For The Box Office Receipts, And Featured Increasingly Neurotic Characters Trying To Deal With Getting Older, And It Was Kind Of A Shame Because I Loved Their Predecessor Movies So Very Much
Toy Story 4
The Lego Movie: The Second Part
Spider-Man: Far From Home

Long Movies That Meandered In The Middle But Built Up To A Satisfying Climax
Avengers: Endgame
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Movies That I Swear I’ve Seen Before But At Least They Were Excellent Spiritual Sequels
Knives Out
Always Be My Maybe

"Live Action" Remakes Of Classic Disney Movies Released Just This Year That I’m Glad I Didn’t Get Around To Seeing And This Is Coming From A Guy Who Enthusiastically Signed Up For Three Years Of Disney+
The Lion King

Loved And Hated In Equal Measure
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Got For Christmas On Blu-Ray And Looking Forward To Watching It After The Baby Falls Asleep, Though, Jesus, I’ll Probably Have To Keep The Volume Real Low
John Wick 3: Parabellum

Congratulations on the baby!

Having now seen all of The Irishman except the last 10 minutes (will finish it soon!) I can confidently state that my top 2 movies of 2019 are:

The Irishman
Marriage Story

Thanks, Netflix.

Have you seen Dolemite is My Name, because that could make your top 3 all Netflix.

Not yet. Good idea.

I watched it yesterday, and heartfully second @forgeforsaken suggestion. I thought it was very funny, and it’s clear that everybody involved had a lot of love for Rudy Ray Moore and his movies.

Yes, it’s a very positive film, and the character of Rudy Ray Moore is really well drawn.

“Ain’t got no titties, no funny, and no kung fu!” has become something of an all-purpose mantra for me.

Marriage Story
The Irishman
La Vérité

Last one is an extremely good family dramedy starring Catherine Deneuve as an aging French film star and Juliette Binoche as her semi-estranged daughter, with Ethan Hawke as the daughter’s American husband. Like Marriage Story, it illustrates how different versions of the truth have to coexist in a family, and like The Irishman it serves as a coda to a brilliant cinema career.

Keeping the streak alive! I haven’t seen 1 film released in 2019.

Do you watch tv series?

Just watched Marriage Story, and it absolutely needs a spot on my list. The revised version:

  1. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
  2. Marriage Story
  3. Joker

Think I watched a total of 6 2019 films, which might be the highest number I’ve achieved in years!

Given that there were so few, I will put myself through the torturous exercise of ranking them all.

  1. Knives Out
  2. Avengers: Endgame
  3. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
  4. Captain Marvel
  5. Toy Story 4
  6. Spiderman: Far From Home

Fun story: I liked all of them a lot! I go out of my way not to go see movies I think I won’t, though.

And Little Women takes the second spot (and only because it’s an adaptation, and because I wish it had lasted 30 minutes more and stayed longer in some of its fantastically acted scenes), so currently:

Marriage Story
Little Women
Taxi Driver Remake

If Marriage Story and Little Women get nominated for Best Director, the Baumbach/Gerwig household is going to get spicy.

Taxi Driver Remake?

Y’know, the King of Comedy remake.

I guess Taxi Driver Remake is for those in the know. I am not in the know, it seems. I have no idea what this refers to.
