Youtube Red - No ad YouTube for $9.99 a month

Apple Music offers the same family plan with the exact same price, $15 for up to 6 people. Google is just playing catch-up there. Google Music is nothing special, it has the same content as everybody else, but the ad-free youtube is a nice bonus.

Spotify still charges double that, but there was a news story a couple months ago saying they’d match the price also.

Actually, I’ve found that GMusic seems to have less content available to stream than Spotify (particularly in the realm of KPop) and less available to buy than Amazon/iTunes. I mostly stuck with it because of the ability to upload my entire (massive) library for global streaming purposes.

Hey fair enough, I have no idea what the Apple Music situation is other than that Apple and iTunes can fuck right off. If they’re pushing Google to do better in search of parity, good for them.

Google play music has a 3 months subscription for 1 dollar.

Is there anywhere that lists Google’s plans for rolling out Red beyond US?

Hmmm, so if you subscribe to Red, you still have to pay an additional subscriptions fee for something like TBS - to watch their content on Youtube? I don’t have cable/satellite tv but I like some of TBS’s offerings, but paying TWO subscription fees is insane if I’m understanding it correctly.

Right, red is just youtube-centric content, it doesn’t get you access to rental movies or anything either.

Stinks because I’m seeing more and more places auto-sending me to YouTube for subscriptions. I’ll just stick with Hulu Plus and Netflix I guess.

I got it with my three month subscription to google play. I see it as added value, nothing g real.

The reviews have started coming out for the first YouTube Red exclusive show, “Scare PewDiePie” and it seems the show is exactly what you’d expect from the title. It’s PewDiePie mugging and acting scared in spookhouse sets made to ape scenarios in the horror video games that made him famous. For example, the first episode “Let’s Play Doctor” has him stumbling through a hospital during a viral zombie outbreak.

It made me feel old. So old.

Nah, don’t feel that way. PewDiePie is more like Nickelodeon than MTV (in the context of our generation); it’s aimed at early and pre-teens.

He kind of reminds me of Fred, who was obnoxious and not-funny from the first time he appeared in front of a camera. So I definitely agree with the Nickelodeon vibe.

No, Scare PewDiePie makes me feel old no matter how I compare it to other tween-focused media. I watched a bunch of Nick/Disney/Cartoon Network with my kids and while I never thought much of it was any good, none of it made me want to leave the room and mutter something about “kids these days” while shaking my fist. PewDiePie and his ilk baffle me. I don’t get why he appeals to anyone. (He seems like a nice guy in real life. I have nothing against him personally.) I really don’t understand the Let’s Play/YouTube Pranks face-mugging, screaming, shrill, play-as-badly-as-possible culture.

And that’s a me issue, not a them issue. I’m just too old to enjoy or even tolerate this stuff.

Quick q: do you think you could “go back” and enjoy Nickelodeon’s All That or Kenan and Kel nowadays? (If my Age-Guesstimatoritron is calibrated right, my bet is that you’re within about 5 years of me in age, so you probably watched one of these programs growing up).

I mostly ask because they were my dad’s absolute least favorite shows from when I was a kid. He loved the sick humor and sly nods to adults in stuff like Ren and Stimpy and Rocko’s Modern Life and could tolerate Doug and Rugrats for hours on end if need be, but he just loathed All That! Called it a bunch of stupid yelling and always had to go elsewhere while I watched.

Anyway, it’s sort of the closest analogue I can think of–a bunch of young kids doing really juvenile stuff and screaming a lot instead of, you know, using timing or acting or even good writing.

No, I’m pretty sure it’s a them issue as well. The over-caffeinated, hyper active shrillness is part and parcel with the always on youth culture today. Over the top is not enough to keep their attention. It has to be mindless and over, over the top. It’s been ramping up since MTV began. I used to watch Cartoon Network with my stepson almost 20 years ago. It was annoying then. It’s impossible now.

Edit: I liked Rocko. I hate Ren and Stimpy.

I didn’t “enjoy” any of the tween shows I watched with my children. It was all to varying degrees terrible - but I understood it. It didn’t appeal to me, but I could watch it and see why a pre-teen would like it.

Someone overacting being scared during a videogame play, or reacting to other people’s videos, or doing a fake prank? Ugh. Shoot me.

I’d give a thumbs up to The Amanda Show, Drake and Josh, Hannah Montana and iCarly.

It’s a good thing. We should all feel like this about a whole lot more stuff most of the time, because it is basic instinct level stuff. You know something is wrong with this crap, and you really can’t watch it without that pit of despair growing in your stomach, AND to top it all you know something must be wrong with this society when a large section of our youth (our future) is perfectly fine with it.

I see this stuff everywhere, it’s the sign of the end of something, or the beginning of the end of something that could have been great. It is real, it is happening and on some level we have all contributed to it happening in our complaisance during the decisions we have all made in our lives. Have you seen American Politics these days! Those guys are rulers of the world, really they are. Watch the Republican debates and marvel at how far we have fallen and how quickly and without much serious comment it has all come to pass.

Half the time I use my Youtube app on my phone I get a pop-over ad that blocks the screen, asking me to sign up for a free trial of Youtube premium/music/Red/whatever.

Has anybody here ever used the free trial, and then canceled? Do you happen to know if the popups will continue after I’ve already used the free trial? If I could eliminate the free trial pop-ups and avoid future pop-ups I would be so happy.

I’ve never seen any ads that are aware of your previous subscription status. After I cancelled Netflix, Apple Music and Spotify Premium I see ads for their free trials that would not apply to me since I am not a new potential subscriber.