2017 Frame Game

I grabbed it when the English version was released a while back, as hidden gem digger @amandachen had posted about it.
I have started playing it “seriously” only for the last couple of weeks, but if you were an AD&D boy, a Baldur’s Gate and Knights of Chalice fanboy, this could become a wonderful substitute. Some features are very different, though, like a magic system that is based on cooldowns rather than memorization.
The base systems are complete: they are adding new feats, items, mechanics and what not very regularly. Consequently, balance is pretty much broken, but I have good faith it will get better over time, and it isn’t very bothering if you aren’t minmaxing. No multiclassing either (yet, at least).
The English translation is topnotch. All the rules of the extensive rulebooks are being consistently translated, and I spotted less typos than in the average Hidden Object Game.
The pointless streak of battles of the current Arena mode is surprisingly addictive. There is even the frame of a meta-progression skill tree in there - limited to affecting your various income venues, for now.
I am totally into it, but bear in mind I don’t give a damn about production values, and those are especially low in this game (which might be linked to its generous pricing, I guess).