2017 Frame Game

Ok, fourth frame. I hope this one will do the trick…?

The Park?

Wow, I really thought this would be easier, since it’s a game with pretty unique visual style and fairly recent as well (and a pretty good game at that).

Oh well, last frame. I hope someone will get this now.

Anyone? Please? Will I really lose this one? I’m having a really hard time believing that will happen with a pretty good game that got released in 2017!

There’s your problem, you assume I’ve played games in 2017!

I agree: too new! Try a gamers board instead!

There have definitely been instances where I’ve thought of doing that. In fact I kinda did once, with using Ascension for iOS ;)

EDIT: oh, I inverted gamers board, as board games. Which has a very different meaning! I R smart.

I’ve definitely seen this game before. No idea the name though.

I know what this is because I happened to be looking at old monthly bundle unlocks and saw a reference to it. Feel kinda bad answering when random internet browsing gave me the answer that I would otherwise not know. Buuut maybe I should answer just so you aren’t stuck with a loser?

Put him out of his misery, won’t you?

Go for it, especially at this point.

Please do. :-)


Alex, what is Hollow Knight?

Thank you.

Yes, it is Hollow Knight, and it’s a pretty good metroidvania with really good art and pretty cool gameplay. I’m kind of sad to see that almost no one here even heard of it - it’s certainly worth playing, especially for fans of the genre.

Oh I had heard of that game, but got the impression it was more “appearance” than “substance” and dismissed it without even checking it further out.

I’m still early, mind you, but I really like what I’ve seen so far.

Oh damn, now I have to find a screenshot for this. Uuuhh, hold please.

This one feels risky, but what the heck. Maybe someone will show up in the 11th hour and save me. Or maybe I’m underestimating y’all.

Frame Snippet: (Anyone have good free tools that do layers so I can use blockout technique on a mac?)


I thought the same but decided not to say anything. :)