2017 Frame Game

Ah yes, that classic Chinese game of trade and bison, Jun!

That’s the second time you baptize a game that I wished existed!


arrendek: I think you’re onto something there. There’s a new game called Neo Atlas 1469 which I suspect might be related to this one.

P.S. As I’m new to this thread, what are the rules regarding looking things up?

I dont think that are rules. I’d say “Don’t reverse image search”. But other than that, whatever. If you’re sat there typing stuff like “that jetpack horse hand game I played in 1996” and coming up with a result: feel free to guess!

Congratulations on spotting The Atlas, a PC-98 game in two parts from A-Train maker Artdink in the early 90s!

[details=Wall of text!]It is a quantum powered map generator tacked on an uninteresting trading fleet sim. You are asked in your travels as you uncover the map, about “rumors”. Accepting or denying them shape the world into something familiar, or much, much less. The rumors are based on legends, not plain randomness. The first game took place on sea, while its sequel let you explore the in-land of the world map you built in the first game.

The game got a series of remake called The Atlas Neo for the Playstation, which were neat, and then got recently its first English edition, as @rho21 pointed out, in the remake of remakes, called Neo Atlas 1469. Sadly, that last one seems to go for directive storyline and other dubious ideas, and it doesn’t not seem to be a good game true to its origins.
The original Atlas and its sequel were released as a “Legendary pack” on Steam in 2015. It isn’t the usual half-assed emulation effort either: the game seems to have been reprogrammed for Windows, taking rid of some annoying features (like horrible confirmation sound effects), and adding much needed save game extra spots. Sadly, the games still aren’t translated.[/details]

What will follow “the world atlast of it into continents and ocean”, @arrendek?!

Oh damn, I won. I guess I’ll be back shortly with something.

Curse you, Lefty!

runs off to play Stephen’s Sausage Roll, comes up for air 2 hours later

E.T. The Extraterrestrial?

Adventure 2 on the Atari?

I had to look this up to find out, but it’s a Japanese game. All of the dialog text is Japanese…

so why is the interface in English?

Renaissance themed game! It’s the Western world, and to the Japanese, we all are Americans, thus we all speak the English language - we pay them back equally by thinking they are Chinese, ha!

Edit: Oh, a suggestion…
Raiders of the lost Ark for the VCS2600?


stupid discourse

Sorry for the super long ass delay. E.T. for the Atari 2600 is correct.

I just wanted to come poop in the thread the way E.T. pooped on my childhood gaming.

I “fixed” the resolution. The screenshot I found online was widescreen for some reason. But I apologize if I distorted this beautiful game at all.

I might be mistaken, but I think in the Atari 2600’s case, the native resolution was meant to be cut by the TV screen on the side (in this screenshot’s case, some of the 2 big greenish zones on the side would have been cut out) - although there was probably some 4:3 deformation on top of it at work too.
This is totally why my guess was wrong.

Hmmm, I shrunk it to 4:3 from widescreen. If what you say is true, I wonder what weird emulator thing made the screenshot happen. And it’s been too long for me to remember what it looked like. It’s for the best though.

I think it was more that they allowed some of the screen to be cut off, for people with old funky TVs. Which was pretty much everyone in the 70s and 80s. I guess some of the funky TVs were new… but still funky.

Here’s a fun fact: E.T. was the first game I ever owned that was specifically mine (well, and my sister’s). Got it along with a 2600 Jr. and a copy of Defender and Asteroids. I think I actually played E.T. the most. Even though everyone hates it, I have quite fond memories of it. But that’s probably because I was so young I didn’t know any better. Also, I think it resulted in the first time I threw a game controller out of frustration. Hah.

Alrighty, onto the next:

Speaking of E.T., I never owned the game myself but a good friend did. I never played it myself but watched him go through it and my memory of this is not that it’s a bad game but rather a completely perplexing one. I never understood from one moment to the next what the heck was happening, or what the goal was let alone how to achieve it. Same for Raiders of the Lost Ark, now that I think of it.

Edit: oh wait, this is the frame game thread. I am not good at staying on topic.

I was young, didn’t know any better, and still hated it. :)

If this description doesn’t make something qualify as a bad game, what does??