2019 Frame Game - All Are Welcome!

when I post Mario Kart 8, nobody guesses it either, because it’s too obvious! I am stuck between a rock and my crotch.

I knew that colour was awfully familiar in three first couple of shots, I am relieved to finally having placed it. It’s the best game for anyone who liked drawing maps of 3d dungeons. It’s weird nobody tried to copy that aspect of the game: instead its legacy is that it spawned a bunch of RPGs with questionable character design!

There’s a Mario Kart 8? See this is my problem, I’m happy to guess anything I can ID but there’s a broad swath of gaming I’m no longer up on.

Right? And it’s a tragedy, because the mapping is so great. Though admittedly, I don’t know how you’d capture that feel without the DS’s pad and the stylus. I bought a DS specifically for the Etrian games, and don’t regret it.

Anyway, I shall guess Dead Cells and be comically wrong.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Maybe an high def Wii U version…

But not having seen any other takes on that genre on the DS is still a bit sad. Beyond the fascinating single handed map drawing, Etrian’s bugs, grind and balances quite hampered my fun.

Can’t really speak to the balance, but I didn’t have any bug problems. And grind? I got through the whole first game without ever replaying anything, as I recall.

Oh and… uh… Monster Hunter Ultimate?

Dungeon warfare 2

Monster Hunter is such a great game. I bet it’s better than Dungeon Warfare 2 .

The more I see the worse it gets.

I thought that frame would be a dead-on give away for anybody who played a game in the series.

posting the full frame, but if nobody got it with the last one, I doubt anybody will here.

Some Castlevania game?

It’s like a cross between Spelunky and Castlevania

Looks more like a Shinobi game. But I’ve been (silently) wrong since I found the thread.

La Mulana?

I’m pretty sure you just nailed it.

@Vinraith actually hits his finger with the hammer!

Does that guy have a skull in his pocket or is he just pleased to see you?