So we know what tomorrow’s Coronavirus task force conference will be about: Democratic cheating in the Wisconsin election. By tomorrow at 5pm eastern there will be rampant rumors of stolen ballots, ballot stuffing, etc. But no actual proof.
Whomever put this race on a contested Democratic presidential primary and an uncontested Republican primary is a goddamn hero.
Believe the NYT has just called it for her as well.
Someone went and pissed off Wisconsin. Hmmm.
AP hasn’t called the race (I guess doing projections given the unique character of voting and counting and reporting makes that super-tough to do), but Karofsky has declared victory.
And now the AP has called it. When all votes are counted, this may not even be all that close.
Jesus. What a self own by Republicans.
Is there reason to hope based on this, or is this specific to Wisconsin and this election?
I mean, some of it has to be that this was a difficult election to vote in, and it’s easier to get Democrats fired up to vote in a Democratic Primary for president that’s contested than it is to get Republicans to go vote in a primary for a state supreme court judge.
But even so, this is going to give the folks running the president’s reelection some pause. This vote all took place at the end of peak rally round the flag polling.
I also hadn’t realized that Ben Wikler is the Democratic Party chair in Wisconsin. Dude is a fighter and willing to get into the mud if needed. In a fight, you’d rather have him on your side than have to go against him.
When you’ve lost Douthat…
Did something less than soul-crushingly horrible just happen?
That would be nice.
Yeah, I’m going to guess that some Republican-controlled state governments that have been giggling about holding down the vote in November are rethinking that position.
(And BTW, today the Republican Secretary of State in Ohio – which has a Republican Governor and statehouse – came out and specifically said words to the effect of there being no problem with vote by mail statewide, and that he has no concerns about voter fraud and basically…“If you do it right, it’s no problem.” So kudos to him.)