2022 Game Frame Game - All Skill Levels Welcome!

I thought it might be Quake 2, but that water definitely wasn’t what I was expecting! Cheat! Cheat!

Hah, I knew it was familiar! I have the game but I barely played it (yet). Thanks for reminding me of it!

Ok, so admittedly there wasn’t much to go on in the last frame, so an early next frame:

That’s too many colors to be Crush, Crumble, Chomp!, right?

I was thinking Movie Monsters


No to all, and if memory serves there isn’t a single Godzilla or King Kong in the game.

Street Rod Tactics? oO

The DOS version of Retro City Rampage?

Heh heh.

They look like Hot Wheels from back when. The Hot Wheels game?

I’m having trouble even placing the era. The graphics look too high res to be really old games, but too low quality to be newish games. Maybe an arcade game from the 80s (and thereby ahead of it’s time graphically)?

Nothing yet!

Nice pick!

Hahahaha, I finally got to say it and mean it. But totally don’t want to be up again. Also even though I know what game this is, I’ve never seen this particular level (or maybe it’s a sequel? Were there sequels?).

Looks extremely familiar. The bottom section looks like Klax. I don’t think it’s Klax though.

Oh damn, nice!
Of course, it’s time for Klax!

Is it Klax? I really don’t remember the background being so busy. I thought it was just black.

There were a lot of them, at least on the console versions (this looks NES?)

Wrong, it is Klax! This is from the Amiga version. According to Wikipedia, the game was originally written in AmigaBASIC. Image taken from the Hall of Light.

@Hereafter , the floor is yours.

Was that level just not in other versions? Granted, I never devoted much time to the game.

It was the first level on the mega drive i think