2021 Match 1 of The Resistance: Avalon

The first rule of lemonade is, never cook the lemonade.

It is fun, and it has to be, because I know there is approximately a -750% chance of getting on another team, or getting a card. I’m basically penciled in as a no vote on every team too, unless I decide to fuck with you for fun.

So basically my fun is posting taunts to mess with you

And do not eat the yellow snow!

And in case you are wondering?

Yes, I do fully intend to reply to everything from here out with a tapestry or Futurama gif, if at all possible.

Thy tapestrie is the beste!

Just making sure you know we’re waiting on the decision, because it’s easy to lose track.

@soondifferent is up to distribute cards, correct?

Yuppers. Soon is missing.

Sorry folks another one of those days. Checking now!

Sometimes game players are psychic.

Other times they are psychotic.

ok that is a daunting wall of text and some scary responsibilities. Gotta table this until after dinner!

Okay think I’m caught up. (Awesome lute bikes @CraigM. Also curse you)

I guess we should do Overheard conversation first, and then I’ll Open up to that person. Any suggestion on who to give that to?

I’m leaning towards @rowe33 since he did the spotlight on Craig. Unless I was psychic and Craig really was Oberon.

So, you’re saying there’s a chance…

It’s a pretty Oberon-y move to blow shit up in the spotlight like that but assassin is also possible.

What if I told you I was Mordred and Merlin had no clue. And Morgana hid themselves, so now Percival is taken hook line and sinker.

Or that I am gonna shabby stabby and Merlin already revealed themselves.

Or I am Oberon just wanting my idol to notice me.

Indeed I am all of the above, and none. I am a quantum superposition of evil. Schrodingner’s evil knight. Open the box and find out.

I mean I’m not Morgana, thanks for asking. But I do look good in her hat, I’ll have you know.

hmm any other thoughts? heading out in a bit but on return I’ll gamble OC on @rowe33

Just let me know when. Am sick. (No fever, no worries.). I slept all day yesterday and didn’t miss anything. I could stand doing it again :)

yeah ill give OC to @rowe33 since I don’t have a better idea.

Get better @Knightsaber!

Okie, @rowe33, you get to learn either @Lantz or @jostly’s affiliation.

Then there are still two more cards to deal with.

Oh this is fun :)