2022 Game Frame Game - All Skill Levels Welcome!

Orcs Must Die 3?

Tales of Monkey Island…?

That’s it!

I didn’t pick it as a follow-up to Curse to be cute. It sincerely was one of the only games I have installed that hadn’t already been done! I heard the recent Retronauts episode on it and realized I had never gotten past the first episode (which is apparently weaker than the rest), so I’ve been giving it another go! This shot is from Ep 2, which by the way starts with a really clever swordfighting sequence (with very few insults).

I don’t know anyone who hated the cartoonish style of Curse 3. Curse 4’s art style seemed to have aged much worse.

Wow - I only guessed that on the chance you were being cute, after @Left_Empty put the idea out there (sorry LE!), and there wasn’t anything revealed that would disqualify it. The style of the repair sign maybe rang the tiniest bell…

I played through this when it came out, and certainly enjoyed it at the time, but overall I guess it hasn’t proved as memorable as the others.

Will get a new frame up soon!

Curse of Monkey Island is the only one I’ve played. I had a friend who was a big fan of the series, and he kept recommending it until one day he wouldn’t take no for an answer and installed it on my computer and made me start playing it before he left.

I finished it, but I was mostly just disappointed because I didn’t find it funny overall, other than the odd chuckle here or there. For me, it wasn’t in the same league as Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, and now that I’ve played it years later, Day of the Tentacle.

Beautiful game though. I loved the cartoon style.

AER Memories of Old?

Good question. No idea. Haven’t actually played it enough to say for sure. Definitely interesting, at least.

No, not AER, but something similarly chilled out.

The Gardens Between?

Afraid not, next:


Oh no, I hope this isn’t too obscure or new - although I did see someone posting about it just yesterday on this very forum. Not Abzu, but the style and tempo of the game is not a million miles away from it either.

Not much left to reveal, save the main wee fella:

My knowledge of games where you can ride a jellyfish is very limited , sadly.

Well I’m going to take a wild swing at Omno then.

A swing… and a hit!

There a few points in the game where you get to ride a big creature between levels, and this is one - I thought it was quite pretty in motion, so I took a screenshot. It’s a nice little game, some light puzzle platforming and exploration, even if some of the puzzles are a bit hackneyed. (I rolled my eyes when one of them was a Simon-style memory test, I thought they had been outlawed by now.)

@Malkael , the floor is yours.

Didn’t even have time for Space Harrier joke guess!

Old games and small resolutions, name a more iconic duo. Next game is up!

Shot in the dark, Kohan?