7 days to die

the player models are probably really gonna look like crap after this release.

They already do. Character textures are a bit painful too all around.

I don’t think graphics will ever be this game’s selling point, and this is coming from someone that actually likes the game.

Oh agreed for sure. I think they can be better without anyone getting fancy though. I’ve seen nicer Halflife 1 models. Better animation and textures and some tweaking and these would be fine. It isnt a polycount issue, they are just fugly right now.

Holy crap. Timers everywhere. I don’t think I’m a fan of this feature of the update.

I like it, it was far to easy before, now you need to worry if you have 15 seconds to spend searching a car before looting it. The craft timers are ok too, you can close your inventory and it still keeps going, but it at least keeps you from manufacturing 1000 bolts in zero seconds.

It feels way more tense now, a6 I was comfortable to the point of semi boredom in a day or so.

Well, that was fast.


Added new ‘Craft Timer’ game option that will allow the player to set the craft timer to Normal, fast or none
Added new ‘Loot Timer’ game option that will allow the player to set the craft timer to Normal, fast or none
Added new ‘Enemy Spawning’ game option that allows the player to set the amount of enemies that will spawn in the world
Added new ‘Damage Given’ and ‘Damage Recieved’ game options allowing the player to set how much damage he gives out or receives from enemies
Added new ‘Enemy Memory’ game option that allows the player to set how many real world minutes that a zombie will pursue something he has sensed in the world.

Changed zombies will not spawn in a diameter of 30 blocks around your sleeping bag
Changed Slowed biome day time zombie respawning to 2400 seconds
Changed Increased damage to bone shiv and hunting knife to compensate for slow animations
Changed it so loot containers that have been opened already will open without a timer a second time

Game design by committee.

It takes time to loot? No more E-R combos…

It’s an option that you can set for your own game, or the server admin can set overall.

As a programmer who thinks 3d graphics is voodoo, I am highly impressed with the terrain changes. Can’t wait to see the results of the next phase of terrain smoothing.

7.2 is out. Mostly just bug fixes, but they did add leather stuff to craft.


Can I get a sense from the people playing whether this is a ‘buy’ and how it compares to State of Decay?

I would only endorse it as a buy. It is very rough on the edges and still changing, but I have gotten a lot of play time out of it. I have not played State of Decay.

Very different kinds of games. State of Decay is more about managing your survivors and time, while 7 Days is really Minecrafty with a (at default settings) hardcore zombie enemy.

Thanks - I’m debating whether to pick this up but this few months has been an incredible time to be a gamer and my backlog is just getting way too long. Maybe I’ll wait till it’s less rough.

Dang, the new detection scheme is brutal! Can’t sit still for more than 30 seconds… always moving…scavenging…dodging zeds…crafting…looking for shelter before nightfall… Love it :)

EDIT: I should add there are bugs and annoyances and that it’s not all roses. But still, in its current state it’s quite playable and enjoyable if you can look past these and immerse yourself in the zombie-Minecraft-crafting-building goodness.

Zombie mo-cap session for a future update.

How is the latest? I have not had time to play.

The game is very enjoyable in its current state. The alpha 8 update will add smooth terrain and more crafting goodness.