A Fallout TV show for some reason

Also, as producers, they don’t necessarily have day-to-day responsibilities. They’ll hire a show-runner, a team of writers, and directors.

Steven Spielberg is a producer on the Transformers movies. It’s not like he’s spending a ton of time dealing with it.

I bet he cashes the checks though!

I’m not sure I agree with that. The first Fallout was pretty dark but Fallout 2 was full of whacky, pop culture references. And the Bethesda Fallouts all have their dark moments along with wackiness. The early Fallout games were different in many ways but I don’t see much difference in the tone.

That said, whacky humor can be hard to translate successfully to a mass audience. I suspect a dark “realistic” will be what we get because audiences are far more used to that sort of thing.

I thought it was the other way around. Fallout 2 had the pop culture references, but those were in hidden corners of the game. But the main intro showing the new villains set the tone for me for a much darker game than the original.

But regardless, the old series, even from the first game, had that dichotomy of two tones with its two intros. One intro is the retro-futurism of the 50s that’s kind of whacky and funny looking, and the second intro is the Ron Pearlman-narrated “War Never Changes” tone of a darker future with the siren in the background.

I like that Fallout has always had those two tones, it’s what sets it apart from anything else I’ve played. Other games have tried to have two tones, but never quite pulled it off in the same way.

I also found Fallout 2 darker than Fallout 1. And both much darker than the Bethesda games. New Vegas is somewhere in-between.

Bethesda pushed the camp too hard IMO. It was a visual style in the older games and features in some jokes and storylines, but is central to everything in the new ones.

F2 purposefully pushed the boundaries, letting you get married and pimp out your spouse and whatnot, but it wasn’t as dark as F1.

I think Grimdark is something different. I can’t think of an example right now.

I don’t see why this couldn’t be good. As mentioned, it’s basically just a setting - you could do a bunch of interesting stuff using the license. In the hands of a good director and screen writer, this could be amazing.

The odds of that are low, of course, but that’s mostly just because most TV shows are pretty mediocre.


Jonathan Nolan sounds incredibly promising but it’s just coming from his company, the show is being run by Geneva something (co-wrote Captain Marvel) and Graham Somebody (who exec-produced Silivon Valley, Portlandia, Baskets, and The Office). So actually… not too bad?

Sucks for Goggins having to wear ghoul makeup 18 hours a day of shooting, though. Maybe they’ll change him into a mutant and give him a prehensile tail or something, can CGI that stuff in post.

This could be good, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be. Todd Howard is attached.


It will certainly use Bethesda’s East Coast Fallout setting instead of the original Best Coast setting.

I think this also means they can’t really do deserts.

Where are you seeing that this will be set on the East Coast versus the classic desert environment?

My gut!

The later Fallouts are more popular. Also Bethesda.

Oh I see. I’m going with budget rules all.

This show will be 80% abandoned warehouses, parking structures, back alleys, and rubble-strewn desert.

So… the Bronx?

No, the film crew would get killed in the Bronx. I’m thinking Detroit.

More casting news. I don’t recognize all the names, but I’m intrigued to see Kyle MacLachlan has signed on.

Shrug. Yup. That’s a Fallout door.