A Forum Game of Blood on the Clocktower (GAME IS NOW OVER)

rowe33 claims to be the empath. The empath knows how many alive players seated next to them are evil. Rowe33 says this number is 1. The two players seated adjacent to rowe33 are me and Lantz, thus there’s a 50/50 chance that either of us is evil, assuming rowe33 is telling the truth and has correct info.

Right, I was the empath until brutally slain by the Imp at night. I could have continued using my powers if the people around me changed but evil’s evilness prevented that.

A body falls from the top of the tower, crashing onto the steps below. @Matt_W has been executed.

The game continues.

Night 3 has begun.

My dying scream: “Curse the imp and I hope it gets its due! Avenge me, rowe33 and all of its future victims!”

That much is plain.

To be fair, it’s hard to keep track of who has said what and what each role does, which I kind of like because it more closely resembles the chaos and having-to-remember of an actual in-person game. The more conversation clutters up the thread, the better.

I’ve claimed privately to 2 people that I believe in.

Right, I should have clarified that these are the only public claims.

I’m dead - can you privately claim to me too? Would be a stretch for me to be evil but your knowledge could help me piece stuff together from the grave.

Can we whisper at night?

Whispers must wait until Day.

I’ll talk to you tomorrow then, sir.

No I didn’t.

Yes you did?

For the record, we still haven’t been told where @jostly got his 50/50 claim from.

Go ahead and quote where I did.

I… just… did… ?

Whoa, I didn’t expect the fancy double quote approach. My bad!

Anyhow, you didn’t see that I was responding to @scottagibson telling me that @jostly claimed to be the Empath?


I’m trying to sleep here.