A Forum Game of Blood on the Clocktower (GAME IS NOW OVER)

I vote no too. Seems to me that thinning too soon will help the evil team.

Is Chef’s ability ongoing, or only at the start of game? I thought it was the latter. That does not change my vote, however.

The Chef only gets information on the first night. It’s not a continuous ability.

Roger that, thanks!

Oh, I misunderstood that. In that case I vote no too.

No one spoke up on how we’d get more info, so no desintegrations executions. Although, maybe there is something we’re missing. shrug We’ll learn.

I think that I will vote no.

That said, Casey has apparently played before and I know he’s good at these types games from countless games we’ve played together in forums so I do generally trust him to be either steering us very effectively on track or very effectively off track depending on his side :)

I am 100% the opposite!

I think that’s 8 no votes, so @jostly is safe. Does that mean nominations are open again? If so, I pass; there’s no one else who’s death seems either justified or might help us get more info.

While it is mathematically impossible for @jostly to be executed by vote today, I’d like to have all of the votes in before I officially reopen nominations. Feel free to discuss the next nomination (if any), though, that’s fine.

In case I am away when the last votes come in, nominations are officially Re-Open when @jostly and @CaseyRobinson have voted.

I’m still a Yes

Also, this doesn’t really matter now but almost certainly will at least once during the game: I am unable nominate anyone else today and @jostly can’t be nominated again today.

I’m still interested where 50% comes from, @Juan_Raigada. You are of course welcome to invite me to blow it out my ass. :)

That’s a no for me too @Lodgium

Okay, vote total: 1 YES. 1 Is not sufficient for execution.

Nominations are now re-open. If there is no nomination for 24 hours, or if all of the players who are still able to nominate agree not to nominate today, then we will proceed to Night 2.

I won’t be nominating anyone.

Yeah, me neither.

No one today.

No one today.

Who doesn’t want to die tonight?

@Dave_Perkins I think @Juan_Raigada is claiming librarian and that I was one of the two possible Saints he saw…

Perhaps he will confirm?

If that’s the case, I think it’s better than a 50/50 given that we haven’t seen a counter claim.