A meta thread for video streaming services - Netflix, Hulu, Disney, HBO, Warner, Prime, AppleTV, etc



Well that looks LOVELY.

That and Wandavision are, so far, the only things I’ve seen that might merit a sub. Mind you, Loki’s probably worth a month all on its own.

I have no idea what anything in that trailer meant.

Nice DB Cooper reference though…

— Alan

Yeah, I totally missed that until someone pointed it out on Twitter. That’s fun.

Well Disney did not just fire a shot across the bow of every other streaming platform, they just let it rip with a M134 Minigun. What an incredible amount of upcoming content they just threw at us! They are not messing around.

My guess from that video is:

  1. Loki ends up on some alien world (perhaps a prison world?)
  2. Loki meets the equivalent of the cosmic police who put on him trial.
  3. Loki is sentenced to community service which may involve patching up the time line among other things.

Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president for internet software and services, who has been at the company since 1989, has told partners that “the two things we will never do are hard-core nudity and China,” one creative figure who has worked with Apple told me.

Box Quote for that article.

Has Disney+ announced any original show at this point?

Do you mean other than existing franchises? So High School Musical, Hamilton, Star Wars, Marvel, etc don’t count?

Yeah, anything that’s not based on existing brands or is a reboot of or sequel to a classic Disney movie. Honest question.

I saw some original movies - but don’t think I see any TV series. I think their strategy is to use movies to push new IP, and series to extract $$$ out of existing IPs which have interest.

Though to be fair - a lot of these series are only “existing” in the sense that they are branded such-and-such. Most will feature characters that have had 0 TV/movie exposure previously, or are brand new for the TV Series.

I got a new phone and it’s telling me I can get a free subscription to Apple TV. Do I want such a subscription? I am not aware of anything interesting on Apple TV, but I’m not a big consumer of TV or streaming stuff these days.

I was surprised at how much I loved Ted Lasso. That’s literally the only thing I’ve watched on Apple TV, but why not at least activate your free subscription and check it out? 10 episodes, half hour comedy.

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. I mean, a year is a long evaluation period, right? I don’t feel a whole lot of pressure.

Join us, won’t you?

Ted Lasso is awesome. And I really like The Morning Show on Apple+ as well.